Inter-Research > DAO > v46 > n2 > p109-114  
Diseases of Aquatic Organisms

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DAO 46:109-114 (2001)  -  doi:10.3354/dao046109

Infectivity of aquabirnavirus strains to various marine fish species

Tadashi Isshiki1,*, Taizou Nagano1, Satoru Suzuki2

1Kagawa Prefectural Fisheries Experiment Station, Takamatsu, Kagawa 761-0111, Japan
2Centre for Marine Environmental Studies, Ehime University, Matsuyama, Ehime 790-8577, Japan

ABSTRACT: To determine the infectivity of marine birnavirus (MABV) in various marine fish species, experimental infection was performed in combination groups of 5 fish species with 7 strains of MABV and 1 strain of infectious pancreatic necrosis virus (IPNV). Mortality was observed in yellowtail Seriola quinqueradiata and amberjack S. dumerili infected with MABV strains Y-6, Y-10K and H-1, but not in other infected species. MABV was reisolated from most combination groups, but the virus isolation rate and virus infectivity titer were often significantly different among groups with the same fish species or with the same virus strain. All MABV strains replicated well in makogarei Limanda yokohamae, but only slightly in tiger puffer Takifugu rubripes. IPNV also replicated in all fish species without causing death. The isolation rate and infectivity titer of IPNV were similar to or higher than those of non-virulent strains of MABV. In conclusion, the infectivity of MABV for different fish species is considered to change, which is an important factor in the development of the infection cycle of this virus among marine organisms.

KEY WORDS: Aquabirnavirus · Marine birnavirus · Infectious pancreatic necrosis virus · Marine fish · Infectivity · Experimental infection

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