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Diseases of Aquatic Organisms

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DAO - Vol. 51, No. 3 - Table of contents

DAO - Vol. 51, No. 3 - Table of contents

Dis Aquat Org (Print ISSN: 0177-5103; Online ISSN: 1616-1580)
Copyright © 2002 Inter-Research
Published October 04

All abstracts and full article pdfs in this issue are available to all users, compliments of Inter-Research.


Skirpstunas RT, Baldwin TJ
Edwardsiella ictaluri invasion of IEC-6, Henle 407, fathead minnow and channel catfish enteric epithelial cells
DAO 51:161-167 | Full text in pdf format

Ooyama T, Hirokawa Y, Minami T, Yasuda H, Nakai T, Endo M, Ruangpan L, Yoshida T
Cell-surface properties of Lactococcus garvieae strains and their immunogenicity in the yellowtail Seriola quinqueradiata
DAO 51:169-177 | Full text in pdf format

El-Mansy A
Immature stages and re-description of Henneguya suprabranchiae (Myxosporea: Myxobolidae), an intestinal parasite of the catfish Clarias gariepinus in the River Nile, Egypt
DAO 51:179-186 | Full text in pdf format

Ford SE, Chintala MM, Bushek D
Comparison of in vitro-cultured and wild-type Perkinsus marinus. I. Pathogen virulence
DAO 51:187-201 | Full text in pdf format

Chintala MM, Bushek D, Ford SE
Comparison of in vitro-cultured and wild-type Perkinsus marinus. II. Dosing methods and host response
DAO 51:203-216 | Full text in pdf format

Bushek D, Ford SE, Chintala MM
Comparison of in vitro-cultured and wild-type Perkinsus marinus. III. Fecal elimination and its role in transmission
DAO 51:217-225 | Full text in pdf format


Phromjai J, Boonsaeng V, Withyachumnarnkul B, Flegel TW
Detection of hepatopancreatic parvovirus in Thai shrimp Penaeus monodon by in situ hybridization, dot blot hybridization and PCR amplification
DAO 51:227-232 | Full text in pdf format

Leknes IL
Uptake of foreign ferritin in platy, Xiphophorus maculatus (Poeciliidae: Teleostei)
DAO 51:233-237 | Full text in pdf format