Inter-Research > ESR > v32 > c_p59-70  
Endangered Species Research

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Correction to ESR 32:59-70 (2017) - DOI:

Late summer distribution and abundance of ice-associated whales in the Norwegian High Arctic


Jade Vacquié-Garcia*, Christian Lydersen, Tiago A. Marques, Jon Aars, Heidi Ahonen, Mette Skern-Mauritzen, Nils Øien, Kit M. Kovacs


*Corresponding author: jadevacquiegarcia(at)


April 4, 2017: In the ‘Discussion: Narwhal distribution and abundance’ section on p. 67, the CI for the narwhal abundance estimation was incorrectly given as 314–233. The correct range is 314–2233.


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