Inter-Research > MEPS > v100  
Marine Ecology Progress Series

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MEPS - Vol. 100 - Table of contents

Mar Ecol Prog Ser (Print ISSN: 0171-8630; Online ISSN: 1616-1599)
Copyright © 1993 Inter-Research.

All full articles in this issue are available to all users, compliments of Inter-Research.
Kinne, O.
One hundred MEPS volumes: their pages have shaped the world of marine ecological research
MEPS 100:1 | Full text in pdf format

Sieburth, J. McN., Donaghay, P. L.
Planktonic methane production and oxidation within the algal maximum of the pycnocline: seasonal fine-scale observations in an anoxic estuarine basin
MEPS 100:3-15 | Full text in pdf format

Turner, J. T., Borkman, D. G.
Plankton studies in Buzzards Bay, Massachusetts USA. I. Hydrography and bacterioplankton, 1987 to 1990
MEPS 100:17-26 | Full text in pdf format

Borkman, D. G., Turner, J. T.
Plankton studies in Buzzards Bay, Massachusetts USA. II. Nutrients, chlorophyll a and phaeopigments, 1987 to 1990
MEPS 100:27-34 | Full text in pdf format

Painting, S. J., Lucas, M. I., Peterson, W. T., Brown, P. C, Hutchings, L., Mitchell-lnnes, B. A.
Dynamics of bacterioplankton, phytoplankton and mesozooplankton communities during the development of an upwelling plume in the southern Benguela
MEPS 100:35-53 | Full text in pdf format

Painting, S. J., Moloney, C. L., Lucas, M. I.
Simulation and field measurements of phytoplankton-bacteria-zooplankton interactions in the southern Benguela upwelling region
MEPS 100:55-69 | Full text in pdf format

Selmer, J.-S., Ferrier-Pages, C, Cellario, C, Rassoulzadegan, F.
New and regenerated production in relation to the microbial loop in the NW Mediterranean Sea
MEPS 100:71-83 | Full text in pdf format

van Duyl, F. C, van Raaphorst, W., Kop, A. J.
Benthic bacterial production and nutrient sediment-water exchange in sandy North Sea sediments
MEPS 100:85-95 | Full text in pdf format

Fong, P., Donohoe, R. M., Zedler, J. B.
Competition with macroalgae and benthic cyanobacterial mats limits phytoplankton abundance in experimental microcosms
MEPS 100:97-102 | Full text in pdf format

Sprung, M.
Estimating macrobenthic secondary production from body weight and biomass: a field test in a non-boreal intertidal habitat
MEPS 100:103-109 | Full text in pdf format

Wolfrath, B.
Observations on the behaviour of the European fiddler crab Uca tangeri
MEPS 100:111-118 | Full text in pdf format

Cerda, G., Wolff, M.
Feeding ecology of the crab Cancer polyodon in La Herradura Bay, northern Chile. II. Food spectrum and prey consumption
MEPS 100:119-125 | Full text in pdf format

Bologna, P. A. X., Steneck, R. S.
Kelp beds as habitat for American lobster Homarus americanus
MEPS 100:127-134 | Full text in pdf format

Trussell, G. C, Johnson, A. S., Rudolph, S. G., Gilfillan, E. S.
Resistance to dislodgement: habitat and size-specific differences in morphology and tenacity in an intertidal snail
MEPS 100:135-144 | Full text in pdf format

Vedel, A., Riisgård, H. U.
Filter-feeding in the polychaete Nereis diversicolor: growth and bioenergetics
MEPS 100:145-152 | Full text in pdf format

Lopez, M. D. G., Huntley, M. E., Lovette, J. T.
Calanoides acutus in Gerlache Strait, Antarctica. I. Distribution of late copepodite stages and reproduction during spring
MEPS 100:153-165 | Full text in pdf format

Polunin, N. V. C, Roberts, C. M.
Greater biomass and value of target coral-reef fishes in two small Caribbean marine reserves
MEPS 100:167-176 | Full text in pdf format

Clemmesen, C.
Improvements in the fluorimetric determination of the RNA and DNA content of individual marine fish larvae
MEPS 100:177-183 | Full text in pdf format

Bates, S. S., Léger, C, Keafer, B. A., Anderson, D. M.
Discrimination between domoic-acid-producing and nontoxic forms of the diatom Pseudonitzschia pungens using immunofluorescence
MEPS 100:185-195 | Full text in pdf format

González, J. M., Sherr, B. F., Sherr, E. B.
Digestive enzyme activity as a quantitative measure of protistan grazing: the acid lysozyme assay for bacterivory
MEPS 100:197-206 | Full text in pdf format

Pudovkin, A. I.
Citation relationships among marine biology journals and those in related fields
MEPS 100:207-209 | Full text in pdf format

Campana, S. E., Oxenford, H. A., Smith, J. N.
Radiochemical determination of longevity in flyingfish Hirundichthys affinis using Th-228/Ra-228
MEPS 100:211-219 | Full text in pdf format

Conway, D. V. P., Tranter, P. R. G., Coombs, S. H.
Digestion of natural food by larval and post-larval turbot Scophthalmus maximus
MEPS 100:221-231 | Full text in pdf format

Kepkay, P. E., Niven, S. E. H., Milligan, T. G.
Low molecular weight and colloidal DOC production during a phytoplankton bloom
MEPS 100:233-244 | Full text in pdf format

Flynn, K., Flynn, K. J., Jones, K. J.
Changes in dinoflagellate intracellular amino acids in response to diurnal changes in light and N supply
MEPS 100:245-252 | Full text in pdf format

torn Dieck, I.
Temperature tolerance and survival in darkness of kelp gametophyles (Laminariales, Phaeophyta): ecological and biogeographical implications
MEPS 100:253-264 | Full text in pdf format

Dando, P. R., Fenchel, T., Jensen, P., O'Hara, S. C. M., Niven, S. J., Schuster, U.
Ecology of gassy, organic-rich sediment in a shallow subtidal area on the Kattegat coast of Denmark
MEPS 100:265-271 | Full text in pdf format

Thybo-Christesen, M., Rasmussen, M. B., Blackburn, T. H.
Nutrient fluxes and growth of Cladophora sericea in a shallow Danish bay
MEPS 100:273-281 | Full text in pdf format

Thybo-Christesen, M., Blackburn, T. H.
Internal N-cycling, measured by 15NH4+ dilution, in Cladophora sericea in a shallow Danish bay
MEPS 100:283-286 | Full text in pdf format

Cockcroft, A. C, McLachlan, A.
Nitrogen budget for a high-energy ecosystem
MEPS 100:287-299 | Full text in pdf format