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Marine Ecology Progress Series

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MEPS - Vol. 13 - Table of contents

Mar Ecol Prog Ser (Print ISSN: 0171-8630; Online ISSN: 1616-1599)
Copyright © 1983 Inter-Research.

All full articles in this issue are available to all users, compliments of Inter-Research.
Sammarco, P. W.
Effects of fish grazing and damselfish territoriality on coral reef algae. I. Algal community structure
MEPS 13:1-14 | Full text in pdf format

Wilkinson, C. R., Sammarco, P. W.
Effects of fish grazing and damselfish territoriality on coral reef algae. II. Nitrogen fixation
MEPS 13:15-19 | Full text in pdf format

Lasker, H. R., Coffroth, M. A.
Octocoral distributions at Carrie Bow Cay, Belize
MEPS 13:21-28 | Full text in pdf format

Appelbaum, S., Schemmel, Ch.
Dermal sense organs and their significance in the feeding behaviour of the common sole Solea vulgaris
MEPS 13:29-36 | Full text in pdf format

Dagg, M. J., Wyman, K. D.
Natural ingestion rates of the copepods Neocalanus plumchrus and N. cristatus calculated from gut contents
MEPS 13:37-46 | Full text in pdf format

Newell, R. I. E., Jordan, S. J.
Preferential ingestion of organic material by the American oyster Crassostrea virginica
MEPS 13:47-53 | Full text in pdf format

Gast, V., Horstmann, U.
N-remineralization of phyto- and bacterioplankton by the marine ciliate Euplotes vannus
MEPS 13:55-60 | Full text in pdf format

Dortch, Q., Roberts, T. L.,Clayton, J. R., Jr., Ahmed, S. I.
RNA/DNA ratios and DNA concentrations as indicators of growth rate and biomass in planktonic marine organisms
MEPS 13:61-71 | Full text in pdf format

Harding, L. W., Jr., Meeson, B. W., Tyler, M. A.
Photoadaptation and diel periodicity of photosynthesis in the dinoflagellate Prorocentrum mariaelebouriae
MEPS 13:73-85 | Full text in pdf format

Gray, J. S., Christie, H.
Predicting long-term changes in marine benthic communities
MEPS 13:87-94 | Full text in pdf format

Fuhrman, J. A., Azam, F.
Adaptations of bacteria to marine subsurface waters studied by temperature response
MEPS 13:95-98 | Full text in pdf format

Lewis, M. R., Smith, J. C.
A small volume, short-incubation-time method for measurement of photosynthesis as a function of incident irradiance
MEPS 13:99-102 | Full text in pdf format

Davis, M. W., Mclntire, C. D.
Effects of physical gradients on the production dynamics of sediment-associated algae
MEPS 13:103-114 Full text in pdf format

Davis, C. L., Koop, K., Muir, D. G., Robb, F. T.
Bacterial diversity in adjacent kelp-dominated ecosystems
MEPS 13:115-119 Full text in pdf format

Greene, C. H., Schoener, A., Corets, E.
Succession on marine hard substrata: the adaptive significance of solitary and colonial strategies in temperature fouling communities
MEPS 13:121-129 Full text in pdf format

Gotelli, N. J., Abele, L. G.
Community patterns of coral-associated decapods
MEPS 13:131-139 Full text in pdf format

Bell, J. L., Stancyk, S. E.
Population dynamics and reproduction of Dissodactylus mellitae (Brachyura: Pinnotheridae) on its sand dollar host Mellita quinquiesperforata (Echinodermata)
MEPS 13:141-149 Full text in pdf format

Schwinghamer, P.
Generating ecological hypotheses from biomass spectra using causal analysis: a benthic example
MEPS 13:151-166 Full text in pdf format

Chrzanowski, T. H., Stevenson, L. H., Spurrier, J. D.
Transport of dissolved organic carbon through a major creek of the North Inlet Ecosystem
MEPS 13:167-174 | Full text in pdf format

Paul, A. J.
Light, temperature, nauplii concentrations, and prey capture by first feeding pollock larvae Theragra chalcogramma
MEPS 13:175-179 | Full text in pdf format

Daniels, R. A.
Demographic characteristics of an Antarctic plunderfish, Harpagifer bispinis antarcticus
MEPS 13:181-187 | Full text in pdf format

Govoni, J. J., Hoss, D. E., Chester, A. J.
Comparative feeding of three species of larval fishes in the Northern Gulf of Mexico: Brevoortia patronus, Leiostomus xanthurus, and Micropogonias undulates
MEPS 13:189-199 | Full text in pdf format

Berry, P. F., Schleyer, M. H.
The brown mussel Perna perna on the Natal coast, South Africa: utilization of available food and energy budget
MEPS 13:201-210 | Full text in pdf format

Mann, R., Wolf, C. C.
Swimming behaviour of larvae of the ocean quahog Arctica islandica in response to pressure and temperature
MEPS 13:211-218 | Full text in pdf format

Vangenechten, J. H. D., Aston, S. R., Fowler, S. W.
Uptake of americium-241 from two experimentally labelled deep-sea sediments by three benthic species: a bivalve mollusc, a polychaete and an isopod
MEPS 13:219-228 | Full text in pdf format

Cherry, R. D., Heyraud, M., Higgo, J. J. W.
Polonium-210: its relative enrichment in the hepatopancreas of marine invertebrates
MEPS 13:229-236 | Full text in pdf format

Wassmann, P.
Sedimentation of organic and inorganic particulate material in Lindaspollene, a stratified, land-locked fjord in western Norway
MEPS 13:237-248 | Full text in pdf format

Rylaarsdam, K. W.
Life histories and abundance patterns of colonial corals on Jamaican reefs
MEPS 13:249-260 | Full text in pdf format

Highsmith, R. C, Lueptow, R. L, Schonberg, S. C.
Growth and bioerosion of three massive corals on the Belize barrier reef
MEPS 13:261-271 | Full text in pdf format

Van Moorsel, G. W. N. M.
Reproductive strategies in two closely related stony corals (Agaricia, Scleractinia)
MEPS 13:273-283 | Full text in pdf format

ten Hoopen, A., Bos, S., Breeman, A. M.
Photoperiodic response in the formation of gametangia of the long-day plant Sphacelaria rigidula (Phaeophyceae)
MEPS 13:285-289 | Full text in pdf format

Amat, F.
Zygogenetic and parthenogenetic Artemia in Cadiz sea-side salterns
MEPS 13:291-293 | Full text in pdf format

Faulkner, D. J., Ghiselin, M. T.
Chemical defense and evolutionary ecology of dorid nudibranchs and some other opisthobranch gastropods
MEPS 13:295-301 | Full text in pdf format

Russell, G.
Parallel growth patterns in algal epiphytes and Laminaria blades
MEPS 13:303-304 | Full text in pdf format

Klinken, J., Skjoldal, H. R.
Improvements of luciferin-luciferase methodology for determination of adenylate energy charge ratio of marine samples
MEPS 13:305-309 | Full text in pdf format

Shanks, A. L.
Surface slicks associated with tidally forced internal waves may transport pelagic larvae of benthic invertebrates and fishes shoreward
MEPS 13:311-315 | Full text in pdf format