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Marine Ecology Progress Series

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MEPS - Vol. 14 - Table of contents

Mar Ecol Prog Ser (Print ISSN: 0171-8630; Online ISSN: 1616-1599)
Copyright © 1983 Inter-Research.

All full articles in this issue are available to all users, compliments of Inter-Research.
Brockmann, U. H., Dahl, E., Kuiper, J., Kattner, G.
The concept of POSER (Plankton Observation with Simultaneous Enclosures in Rosfjorden)
MEPS 14:1-8 | Full text in pdf format

Kuiper, J., Brockmann, U. H., van net Groenewoud, H., Hoornsman, G., Hammer, K. D.
Influences of bag dimensions on the development of enclosed plankton communities during POSER
MEPS 14:9-17 | Full text in pdf format

Jahnke, J., Brockmann, U. H., Aletsee, L., Hammer, K. D.
Phytoplankton activity in enclosed and free marine ecosystems in a southern Norwegian fjord during spring 1979
MEPS 14:19-28 | Full text in pdf format

Kattner, G., Hammer, K. D., Eberlein, K., Brockmann, U. H., Jahnke, J., Krause, M.
Nutrient and plankton development in Rosfjorden and enclosed ecosystems captured from changing water bodies during POSER
MEPS 14:29-43 | Full text in pdf format

Eberlein, K., Brockmann, U. H., Hammer, K. D., Kattner, G., Laake, M.
Total dissolved carbohydrates in an enclosure experiment with unialgal Skeletonema costatum culture
MEPS 14:45-58 | Full text in pdf format

Laake, M., Dahle, A. B., Hentzschel, G.
Productivity and population diversity of marine organotrophic bacteria in enclosed planktonic ecosystems
MEPS 14:59-69 | Full text in pdf format

Laake, M., Dahle, A. B., Eberlein, K., Rein, K.
A modelling approach to the interplay of carbohydrates, bacteria and non-pigmented flagellates in a controlled ecosystem experiment with Skeletonema costatum
MEPS 14:71-79 | Full text in pdf format

Dahl, E., Laake, M., Tjessem, K., Eberlein, K., Bohle, B.
Effects of Ekofisk crude oil on an enclosed planktonic ecosystem
MEPS 14:81-91 | Full text in pdf format

Kuiper, J., Brockmann, U. H., van het Groenewoud, H., Hoornsman, G., Roele, P.
Effects of mercury on enclosed plankton communities in the Rosfjord during POSER
MEPS 14:93-105 | Full text in pdf format

Brockmann, U. H., Hentzschel, G.
Samplers for enclosed stratified water columns
MEPS 14:107-109 | Full text in pdf format

Holligan, P. M., Harris, R. P., Newell, R. C, Harbour, D. S., Head, R. N., Linley, E. A. S., Lucas, M. I., Tranter, P. R. G., Weekley, C. M.
Vertical distribution and partitioning of organic carbon in mixed, frontal and stratified waters of the English Cannel
MEPS 14:111-127 | Full text in pdf format

Witte, J. IJ., Zijlstra, J. J.
The meiofauna of a tidal flat in the western part of the Wadden Sea and its role in the benthic ecosystem
MEPS 14:129-138 | Full text in pdf format

Smalley, T. L.
Possible effects of intraspecific competition on the population structure of a solitary vermetid mollusk
MEPS 14:139-144 | Full text in pdf format

Cowden, C, Young, C. M., Chia, F. S.
Differential predation on marine invertebrate larvae by two benthic predators
MEPS 14:145-149 | Full text in pdf format

Trotter, D. B., Webster, J. M.
Feeding preferences and seasonality of free-living marine nematodes inhabiting the kelp Macrocystis integrifolia
MEPS 14:151-157 | Full text in pdf format

Crossland, C. J., Hatcher, B. G., Atkinson, M. J., Smith, S. V.
Dissolved nutrients of a high-latitude coral reef, Houtman Abrolhos Islands, Western Australia
MEPS 14:159-163 | Full text in pdf format

Santelices, B., Ojeda, F. P.
Effects of canopy removal on the understory algal community structure of coastal forests of Macrocystis pyrifera from southern South America
MEPS 14:165-173 | Full text in pdf format

Santelices, B., Ojeda, F. P.
Population dynamics of coastal forests of Macrocystis pyrifera in Puerto Toro, Isla Navarino, Southern Chile
MEPS 14:175-183 | Full text in pdf format

Colijn, F., de Jonge, V. N.
Primary production of microphytobenthos in the Ems-Dollard Estuary
MEPS 14:185-196 | Full text in pdf format

Annett, C, Pierotti, R.
Foraging behavior and prey selection of the leather seastar Dermasterias imbricate
MEPS 14:197-206 | Full text in pdf format

Bressler, S. L., Ahmed, S. I.
Detection of glutamine synthetase activity in marine phytoplankton: optimization of the biosynthetic assay
MEPS 14:207-217 | Full text in pdf format

Thomas, T. E., Turpin, D. H., Harrison, P. J.
y-Glutamyl transferase activity in marine phytoplankton
MEPS 14:219-222 | Full text in pdf format

Douglas, D. J.
Microautoradiography-based enumeration of photosynthetic picoplankton with estimates of carbon-specific growth rates
MEPS 14:223-228 | Full text in pdf format

Martens, P. M.
Comparison of three different extraction methods for Turbellaria
MEPS 14:229-234 | Full text in pdf format

Morrison, D.
Seasonality of Batophora oersted) (Chlorophyta), a tropical macroalga
MEPS 14:235-244 | Full text in pdf format

Carrasco, F. D., Arcos, D. F.
Life history and production of a cold-temperate population of the sublittoral amphipod Ampelisca araucana
MEPS 14:245-252 | Full text in pdf format

Oakden, J. M., Oliver, J. S., Flegal, A. R.
Behavioral responses of a phoxo-cephalid amphipod to organic enrichment and trace metals in sediment
MEPS 14:253-257 | Full text in pdf format

Bottrell, H. H., Robins, D. B.
Seasonal variations in length, dry weight, carbon and nitrogen of Calanus helgolandicus from the Celtic Sea
MEPS 14:259-268 | Full text in pdf format

Wright, D. A., Roosenburg, W. H., Castagna, M.
Thermal tolerance in embryos and larvae of the bay scallop Argopecten irradians under simulated power plant entrapment conditions
MEPS 14:269-273 | Full text in pdf format

Rabsch, U., Wolter, K., Krischker, P.
Influence of low cadmium and zinc concentrations on batch culture Prorocentrum micans (Dinophyta) containing low levels of dissolved organic carbon
MEPS 14:275-285 | Full text in pdf format

Smigielski, A. S., Halavik, T. A., Buckley, L. J., Drew, S. M., Laurence, G. C.
Spawning, embryo development and growth of the American sand lance Ammodytes americanus in the laboratory
MEPS 14:287-292 | Full text in pdf format

Mark, D. M.
Fractal dimension of a coral reef at ecological scales: a discussion
MEPS 14:293-294 | Full text in pdf format

Bradbury, R. H., Reichelt, R. E., Green, D. G.
Fractals in ecology: methods and interpretation
MEPS 14:295-296 | Full text in pdf format

Bienfang, P. K., Harrison, P. J.
Co-variation of sinking rate and cell quota among nutrient replete marine phytoplankton
MEPS 14:297-300 | Full text in pdf format