Inter-Research > MEPS > v27  
Marine Ecology Progress Series

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MEPS - Vol. 27 - Table of contents

Mar Ecol Prog Ser (Print ISSN: 0171-8630; Online ISSN: 1616-1599)
Copyright © 1985 Inter-Research.

All full articles in this issue are available to all users, compliments of Inter-Research.
Holt, G. J., Holt, S. A., Arnold, C. R.
Diel periodicity of spawning in sciaenids
MEPS 27:1-7 | Full text in pdf format

Fuhrman, J. A., Eppley, R. W., Hagstrom, A., Azam, F.
Diel variations in bacterioplankton, phytoplankton, and related parameters in the Southern California Bight
MEPS 27:9-20 | Full text in pdf format

Demers, S., Therriault, J.-C, Legendre, L, Neveux, J.
An in vivo fluorescence method for the continuous in situ estimation of phytoplankton photosynthetic characteristics
MEPS 27:21-27 | Full text in pdf format

Bates, S. S., Piatt, T.
Fluorescence induction of chlorophyll a in the Sargasso Sea and on the Grand Banks: correlation with photosynthetic capacity
MEPS 27:29-38 | Full text in pdf format

Price, N. M., Cochlan, W. P., Harrison, P. J.
Time course of uptake of inorganic and organic nitrogen by phytoplankton in the Strait of Georgia: comparison of frontal and stratified communities
MEPS 27:39-53 | Full text in pdf format

Paffenhöfer, G.-A., Van Sant, K. B.
The feeding response of a marine planktonic copepod to quantity and quality of particles
MEPS 27:55-65 | Full text in pdf format

Deibel, D., Turner, J. T.
Zooplankton feeding ecology: contents of fecal pellets of the appendicularian Oikopleura vanhoeffeni
MEPS 27:67-78 | Full text in pdf format

Deibel, D., Dickson, M.-L, Powell, C. V. L.
Ultrastructure of the mucous feeding filter of the house of the appendicularian Oikopleura vanhoeffeni
MEPS 27:79-86 | Full text in pdf format

Sorokin, Yu. I.
Phosphorus metabolism in planktonic communities of the eastern tropical Pacific Ocean
MEPS 27:87-97 | Full text in pdf format

Snelgrove, P. V. R., Haedrich, R. L.
Structure of the deep demersal fish fauna off Newfoundland
MEPS 27:99-107 | Full text in pdf format

Möller, P., Pihl, L., Rosenberg, R.
Benthic faunal energy flow and biological interaction in some shallow marine soft bottom habitats
MEPS 27:109-121 | Full text in pdf format

Tamaki, A.
Zonation by size in the Armandia sp. (Polychaeta: Opheliidae) population on an intertidal sand flat
MEPS 27:123-133 | Full text in pdf format

Bjerregaard, P., Vislie, T.
Effects of cadmium on hemolymph composition in the shore crab Carcinus maenas
MEPS 27:135-142 | Full text in pdf format

Lawton, P., Hughes, R. N.
Foraging behaviour of the crab Cancer pagurus feeding on the gastropods Nucella lapillus and Littorina littorea: comparisons with optimal foraging theory
MEPS 27:143-154 | Full text in pdf format

Andrew, N. L, Choat, J. H.
Habitat related differences in the survivorship and growth of juvenile sea urchins
MEPS 27:155-161 | Full text in pdf format

Morin, J. G., Kastendiek, J. E.. Harrington, A., Davis, N.
Organization and patterns of interactions in a subtidal sand community on an exposed coast
MEPS 27:163-185 | Full text in pdf format

Morris, J. T., Whiting, G. J.
Gas advection in sediments of a South Carolina salt marsh
MEPS 27:187-194 | Full text in pdf format

Pisano, E., Boyer, M.
Development pattern of an infralittoral bryozoan community in the western Mediterranean Sea
MEPS 27:195-202 | Full text in pdf format

Liebezeit, G., Schumann, M., Bohde, F.
Residual amino acid fluxes in Kiel Bight -February to June 1980
MEPS 27:203-207 | Full text in pdf format

Kimor, B., Moigis, A. G., Dohms, V., Stienen, C.
A case of mass occurrence of Prorocentrum minimum in the Kiel Fjord
MEPS 27:209-215 | Full text in pdf format

Brewer, G. D., Kleppel, G. S.
Diel vertical distribution of fish larvae their prey in nearshore waters of southern California
MEPS 27:217-226 | Full text in pdf format

Mauchline, J., Gordon, J. D. M.
Foraging strategies of deep-sea fish
MEPS 27:227-238 | Full text in pdf format

Staples, D. J., Vance, D. J.
Emigration of juvenile banana prawns Penaeus merguiensis from a mangrove estuary and recruitment to offshore areas in the wet-dry tropics of the Gulf of Carpentaria, Australia
MEPS 27:239-252 | Full text in pdf format

Harrison, W. G., Harris, L. R.
Isotope-dilution and its effects on measurements of nitrogen and phosphorus uptake by oceanic microplankton
MEPS 27:253-261 | Full text in pdf format

D'Antonio, C. M.
Role of sand in the domination of hard substrata by the intertidal alga Rhodomela larix
MEPS 27:263-275 | Full text in pdf format

Zimmerman, R. C, Kremer, J. N.
In situ growth and chemical composition of the giant kelp, Macrocystis pyrifera: response to temporal changes in ambient nutrient availability
MEPS 27:277-285 | Full text in pdf format

Lukatelich, R. J., McComb, A. J.
Distribution and abundance of benthic microalgae in a shallow southwestern Australian estuarine system
MEPS 27:287-297 | Full text in pdf format

Pearre, S., Jr.
Ratio-based trophic niche breadths of fish, the Sheldon spectrum, and the size-efficiency hypothesis
MEPS 27:299-314 | Full text in pdf format