Inter-Research > MEPS > v408  
Marine Ecology Progress Series

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MEPS - Vol. 408 - Table of contents

MEPS - Vol. 408 - Table of contents

Mar Ecol Prog Ser (Print ISSN: 0171-8630; Online ISSN: 1616-1599)
Copyright © 2010 Inter-Research. Published June 3

All abstracts and full article pdfs in this issue are available to all users, compliments of Inter-Research.

In Memoriam Don Alderdice
(by Otto Kinne)
MEPS 408:i | Full text in pdf format

Whitehead H, O'Brien K, Worm B
Diversity of deep-water cetaceans and primary productivity
MEPS 408:1-5 | More Information... | Full text in pdf format


Dähnke K, Emeis K, Johannsen A, Nagel B
Stable isotope composition and turnover of nitrate in the German Bight
MEPS 408:7-18 | Full text in pdf format

Doblin MA, Murphy KR, Ruiz GM
Thresholds for tracing ships’ ballast water: an Australian case study
MEPS 408:19-32 | Full text in pdf format

Strme?ki S, Plavši? M, Steigenberger S, Passow U
Characterization of phytoplankton exudates and carbohydrates in relation to their complexation of copper, cadmium and iron
MEPS 408:33-46 | Full text in pdf format

Yun HY, Rohde S, Linnane K, Wahl M, Molis M
Seaweed-mediated indirect interaction between two species of meso-herbivores
MEPS 408:47-53 | Full text in pdf format

Penin L, Michonneau F, Baird AH, Connolly SR, Pratchett MS, Kayal M, Adjeroud M
Early post-settlement mortality and the structure of coral assemblages
MEPS 408:55-64 | Full text in pdf format

Wagner DE, Kramer P, van Woesik R
Species composition, habitat, and water quality influence coral bleaching in southern Florida
MEPS 408:65-78 | Full text in pdf format

Macías D, Somavilla R, González-Gordillo JI, Echevarría F
Physical control of zooplankton distribution at the Strait of Gibraltar during an episode of internal wave generation
MEPS 408:79-95 | Full text in pdf format

Allen CJ, Paterson GLJ, Hawkins LE, Hauton C, Clark PF, Aryuthaka C
Zonation on sandy tropical beaches: a case study using Dotilla intermedia (Brachyura: Ocypodidae)
MEPS 408:97-107 | Full text in pdf format

Scheibling RE, Feehan C, Lauzon-Guay JS
Disease outbreaks associated with recent hurricanes cause mass mortality of sea urchins in Nova Scotia
MEPS 408:109-116 | Full text in pdf format

Shaw PW, Hendrickson L, McKeown NJ, Stonier T, Naud MJ, Sauer WHH
Discrete spawning aggregations of loliginid squid do not represent genetically distinct populations
MEPS 408:117-127 | Full text in pdf format

Goberville E, Beaugrand G, Sautour B, Tréguer P, SOMLIT Team
Climate-driven changes in coastal marine systems of western Europe
MEPS 408:129-148 | Full text in pdf format

Calderón I, Turon X
Temporal genetic variability in the Mediterranean common sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus
MEPS 408:149-159 | Full text in pdf format

Newcombe EM, Taylor RB
Trophic cascade in a seaweed-epifauna-fish food chain
MEPS 408:161-167 | Full text in pdf format

Lamb RW, Johnson DW
Trophic restructuring of coral reef fish communities in a large marine reserve
MEPS 408:169-180 | Full text in pdf format

Ford JR, Williams RJ, Fowler AM, Cox DR, Suthers IM
Identifying critical estuarine seagrass habitat for settlement of coastally spawned fish
MEPS 408:181-193 | Full text in pdf format

Elsdon TS, Ayvazian S, McMahon KW, Thorrold SR
Experimental evaluation of stable isotope fractionation in fish muscle and otoliths
MEPS 408:195-205 | Full text in pdf format

Scott BE, Sharples J, Ross ON, Wang J, Pierce GJ, Camphuysen CJ
Sub-surface hotspots in shallow seas: fine-scale limited locations of top predator foraging habitat indicated by tidal mixing and sub-surface chlorophyll
MEPS 408:207-226 | Full text in pdf format

Miller JA, Gray A, Merz J
Quantifying the contribution of juvenile migratory phenotypes in a population of Chinook salmon Oncorhynchus tshawytscha
MEPS 408:227-240 | Full text in pdf format

Wang JH, Fisler S, Swimmer Y
Developing visual deterrents to reduce sea turtle bycatch in gill net fisheries
MEPS 408:241-250 | Full text in pdf format

Bailleul F, Cotté C, Guinet C
Mesoscale eddies as foraging area of a deep-diving predator, the southern elephant seal
MEPS 408:251-264 | Full text in pdf format

de Boer MN
Spring distribution and density of minke whale Balaenoptera acutorostrata along an offshore bank in the central North Sea
MEPS 408:265-274 | Full text in pdf format


Speed CW, Field IC, Meekan MG, Bradshaw CJA
Complexities of coastal shark movements and their implications for management
MEPS 408:275-293 | Full text in pdf format


Broad A, Knott N, Turon X, Davis AR
Effects of a shark repulsion device on rocky reef fishes: no shocking outcomes
MEPS 408:295-298 | Full text in pdf format


Todd PA, Guest JR, Lu J, Chou LM
One in four citations in marine biology papers is inappropriate
MEPS 408:299-303 | Full text in pdf format