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Marine Ecology Progress Series

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MEPS - Vol. 459 - Table of contents

MEPS - Vol. 459 - Table of contents

Mar Ecol Prog Ser (Print ISSN: 0171-8630; Online ISSN: 1616-1599)
Copyright © 2012 Inter-Research. Published July 12

Abstracts are available to all users. Full article .pdfs are available to subscribers only.
Articles marked by are freely available to all users.

Kerr KA, Christy JH, Collin R, Guichard F
Reducing error in reproductive timing caused by temperature variation: interspecific differences in behavioural adjustment by fiddler crabs
MEPS 459:1-16 | More Information... | Full text in pdf format


Tamelander T, Aubert AB, Wexels Riser C
Export stoichiometry and contribution of copepod faecal pellets to vertical flux of particulate organic carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus
MEPS 459:17-28 | Full text in pdf format

Lehette P, Tovar-Sánchez A, Duarte CM, Hernández-León S
Krill excretion and its effect on primary production
MEPS 459:29-38 | Full text in pdf format

Lawerence C, Menden-Deuer S 
Drivers of protistan grazing pressure: seasonal signals of plankton community composition and environmental conditions
MEPS 459:39-52 | Full text in pdf format

Bracken MES, Menge BA, Foley MM, Sorte CJB, Lubchenco J, Schiel DR
Mussel selectivity for high-quality food drives carbon inputs into open-coast intertidal ecosystems
MEPS 459:53-62 | Full text in pdf format

von der Meden CEO, Porri F, Radloff S, McQuaid CD
Settlement intensification and coastline topography: understanding the role of habitat availability in the pelagic−benthic transition
MEPS 459:63-71 | Full text in pdf format

Carrasco SA, Phillips NE, Pérez-Matus A
Offspring size and maternal environments mediate the early juvenile performance of two congeneric whelks
MEPS 459:73-83 | Full text in pdf format

Appelhans YS, Thomsen J, Pansch C, Melzner F, Wahl M
Sour times: seawater acidification effects on growth, feeding behaviour and acid-base status of Asterias rubens and Carcinus maenas
MEPS 459:85-98 | Full text in pdf format

Sasson N, Simon-Blecher N, Achituv Y
New molecular markers for revealing the population structure of Chthamalus stellatus in the Mediterranean and the eastern Atlantic
MEPS 459:99-107 | Full text in pdf format

McCoy KD, Beis P, Barbosa A, Cuervo JJ, Fraser WR, González-Solís J, Jourdain E, Poisbleau M, Quillfeldt P, Léger E, Dietrich M
Population genetic structure and colonisation of the western Antarctic Peninsula by the seabird tick Ixodes uriae
MEPS 459:109-120 | Full text in pdf format

Witt MJ, Hardy T, Johnson L, McClellan CM, Pikesley SK, Ranger S, Richardson PB, Solandt JL, Speedie C, Williams R, Godley BJ
Basking sharks in the northeast Atlantic: spatio-temporal trends from sightings in UK waters
MEPS 459:121-134 | Full text in pdf format

Miller CA, Best PB, Perryman WL, Baumgartner MF, Moore MJ
Body shape changes associated with reproductive status, nutritive condition and growth in right whales Eubalaena glacialis and E. australis
MEPS 459:135-156 | Full text in pdf format

Editors: A. Bundy, J. Link, T. Miller, E. Moksness, K. Stergiou
Comparative analysis of marine fisheries production 
MEPS 459:157-302 | Complete Theme Section in pdf format (8.2MB)

Gaichas SK, Bundy A, Miller TJ, Moksness E, Stergiou KI
INTRODUCTION: What drives marine fisheries production?
MEPS 459:159-163 | Full text in pdf format

Moksness E, Link J, Drinkwater K, Gaichas S
Bernard Megrey: pioneer of Comparative Marine Ecosystem analyses
MEPS 459:165-167 | Full text in pdf format

Fu C, Gaichas S, Link JS, Bundy A, Boldt JL, Cook AM, Gamble R, Rong Utne K, Liu H, Friedland KD
Relative importance of fisheries, trophodynamic and environmental drivers in a series of marine ecosystems
MEPS 459:169-184 | Full text in pdf format

Pranovi F, Link J, Fu C, Cook AM, Liu H, Gaichas S, Friedland KD, Rong Utne K, Benoît HP
Trophic-level determinants of biomass accumulation in marine ecosystems
MEPS 459:185-201 | Full text in pdf format

Bundy A, Bohaboy EC, Hjermann DO, Mueter FJ, Fu C, Link JS
Common patterns, common drivers: comparative analysis of aggregate surplus production across ecosystems
MEPS 459:203-218 | Full text in pdf format

Lucey SM, Cook AM, Boldt JL, Link JS, Essington TE, Miller TJ
Comparative analyses of surplus production dynamics of functional feeding groups across 12 northern hemisphere marine ecosystems
MEPS 459:219-229 | Full text in pdf format

Holsman KK, Essington T, Miller TJ, Koen-Alonso M, Stockhausen WJ
Comparative analysis of cod and herring production dynamics across 13 northern hemisphere marine ecosystems
MEPS 459:231-246 | Full text in pdf format

Fogarty MJ, Overholtz WJ, Link JS
Aggregate surplus production models for demersal fishery resources of the Gulf of Maine
MEPS 459:247-258 | Full text in pdf format

Gamble RJ, Link JS
Using an aggregate production simulation model with ecological interactions to explore effects of fishing and climate on a fish community
MEPS 459:259-274 | Full text in pdf format

Gaichas S, Gamble R, Fogarty M, Benoît H, Essington T, Fu C, Koen-Alonso M, Link J
Assembly rules for aggregate-species production models: simulations in support of management strategy evaluation
MEPS 459:275-292 | Full text in pdf format

Link JS, Gaichas S, Miller TJ, Essington T, Bundy A, Boldt J, Drinkwater KF, Moksness E
Synthesizing lessons learned from comparing fisheries production in 13 northern hemisphere ecosystems: emergent fundamental features
MEPS 459:293-302 | Full text in pdf format