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Marine Ecology Progress Series

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MEPS - Vol. 554 - Table of contents

MEPS - Vol. 554 - Table of contents

Mar Ecol Prog Ser (Print ISSN: 0171-8630; Online ISSN: 1616-1599)
Copyright © 2016 Inter-Research. Published July 28

Abstracts are available to all users. Full article .pdfs are available to subscribers only.
Articles marked by or are freely available to all users.


Selkoe KA, D’Aloia CC, Crandall ED, Iacchei M, Liggins L, Puritz JB, von der Heyden S, Toonen RJ
A decade of seascape genetics: contributions to basic and applied marine connectivity
MEPS 554:1-19 | More Information... | Full text in pdf format


Dias E, Morais P, Cotter AM, Antunes C, Hoffman JC
Estuarine consumers utilize marine, estuarine and terrestrial organic matter and provide connectivity among these food webs
MEPS 554:21-34 | Full text in pdf format

Attard KM, Hancke K, Sejr MK, Glud RN
Benthic primary production and mineralization in a High Arctic fjord: in situ assessments by aquatic eddy covariance
MEPS 554:35-50 | Full text in pdf format

Thomson PG, Davidson AT, Maher L
Increasing CO2 changes community composition of pico- and nano-sized protists and prokaryotes at a coastal Antarctic site
MEPS 554:51-69 | Full text in pdf format

Ameneiro J, Lubián LM, Sangrà P, Vázquez E
Food-limited invertebrate larvae in the Southern Ocean: testing a paradigm
MEPS 554:71-80 | Full text in pdf format

Schram JB, Schoenrock KM, McClintock JB, Amsler CD, Angus RA
Seawater acidification more than warming presents a challenge for two Antarctic macroalgal-associated amphipods
MEPS 554:81-97 | Full text in pdf format

Frodella N, Cannas R, Velonà A, Carbonara P, Farrell ED, Fiorentino F, Follesa MC, Garofalo G, Hemida F, Mancusi C, Stagioni M, Ungaro N, Serena F, Tinti F, Cariani A
Population connectivity and phylogeography of the Mediterranean endemic skate Raja polystigma and evidence of its hybridization with the parapatric sibling R. montagui
MEPS 554:99-113 | Full text in pdf format

Marcus L, Virtue P, Pethybridge HR, Meekan MG, Thums M, Nichols PD
Intraspecific variability in diet and implied foraging ranges of whale sharks at Ningaloo Reef, Western Australia, from signature fatty acid analysis
MEPS 554:115-128 | Full text in pdf format

Nash KL, Abesamis RA, Graham NAJ, McClure EC, Moland E
Drivers of herbivory on coral reefs: species, habitat and management effects
MEPS 554:129-140 | Full text in pdf format

Schabetsberger R, Miller MJ, Dall’Olmo G, Kaiser R, Økland F, Watanabe S, Aarestrup K, Tsukamoto K
Hydrographic features of anguillid spawning areas: potential signposts for migrating eels
MEPS 554:141-155 | Full text in pdf format

Brosset P, Le Bourg B, Costalago D, Bănaru D, Van Beveren E, Bourdeix JH, Fromentin JM, Ménard F, Saraux C
Linking small pelagic dietary shifts with ecosystem changes in the Gulf of Lions
MEPS 554:157-171 | Full text in pdf format

Welcker J, Nehls G
Displacement of seabirds by an offshore wind farm in the North Sea
MEPS 554:173-182 | Full text in pdf format

Buchan SJ, Quiñones RA
First insights into the oceanographic characteristics of a blue whale feeding ground in northern Patagonia, Chile
MEPS 554:183-199 | Full text in pdf format

Baylis AMM, Orben RA, Costa DP, Arnould JPY, Staniland IJ
Sexual segregation in habitat use is smaller than expected in a highly dimorphic marine predator, the southern sea lion
MEPS 554:201-211 | Full text in pdf format

McHuron EA, Walcott SM, Zeligs J, Skrovan S, Costa DP, Reichmuth C
Whisker growth dynamics in two North Pacific pinnipeds: implications for determining foraging ecology from stable isotope analysis
MEPS 554:213-224 | Full text in pdf format

Wege M, Tosh CA, de Bruyn PJN, Bester MN
Cross-seasonal foraging site fidelity of subantarctic fur seals: implications for marine conservation areas
MEPS 554:225-239 | Full text in pdf format

Dmitrieva L, Jüssi M, Jüssi I, Kasymbekov Y, Verevkin M, Baimukanov M, Wilson S, Goodman SJ
Individual variation in seasonal movements and foraging strategies of a land-locked, ice-breeding pinniped
MEPS 554:241-256 | Full text in pdf format

Huisman J, Verhelst P, Deneudt K, Goethals P, Moens T, Nagelkerke LAJ, Nolting C, Reubens J, Schollema PP, Winter HV, Mouton A
Heading south or north: novel insights on European silver eel Anguilla anguilla migration in the North Sea
MEPS 554:257-262 | Full text in pdf format

Sherman KD, Dahlgren CP, Stevens JR, Tyler CR
Integrating population biology into conservation management for endangered Nassau grouper Epinephelus striatus
MEPS 554:263-280 | Full text in pdf format

Clark et al., Vol 395: 201-222 (2009)
MEPS 554:281 | Full text in pdf format