Inter-Research > AB > v10 > n3  
Aquatic Biology

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AB - Vol. 10, No. 3 - Table of contents

AB - Vol. 10, No. 3 - Table of contents

Aquat Biol (Print ISSN: 1864-7782; Online ISSN: 1864-7790)
Copyright © 2010 Inter-Research.

All abstracts and full article pdfs in this issue are available to all users, compliments of Inter-Research.

Sant’Anna BS, Turra A, Zara FJ
Simultaneous activity of male and female gonads in intersex hermit crabs
AB 10:201-209 | More Information... | Full text in pdf format

Dutton J, Fisher NS
Intraspecific comparisons of metal bioaccumulation in the juvenile Atlantic silverside Menidia menidia
AB 10:211-226 | Full text in pdf format

Hsu CB, Tzeng CS, Yeh CH, Kuan WH, Kuo MH, Lin HJ
Habitat use by the Formosan landlocked salmon Oncorhynchus masou formosanus
AB 10:227-239 | Full text in pdf format

Holladay SD, Smith BJ, Gogal RM Jr
Exposure to formaldehyde at therapeutic levels decreases peripheral blood lymphocytes and hematopoietic progenitors in the pronephros of tilapia Oreochromis niloticus
AB 10:241-247 | Full text in pdf format

Nejrup LB, Pedersen MF
Growth and biomass development of the introduced red alga Gracilaria vermiculophylla is unaffected by nutrient limitation and grazing
AB 10:249-259 | Full text in pdf format

Jensen LK, Carroll J
Experimental studies of reproduction and feeding for two Arctic-dwelling Calanus species exposed to crude oil
AB 10:261-271 | Full text in pdf format

Guariento RD, Carneiro LS, Caliman A, Bozelli RL, Fonseca Leal JJ, de Assis Esteves F
Interactive effects of omnivorous fish and nutrient loading on net productivity regulation of phytoplankton and periphyton
AB 10:273-282 | Full text in pdf format

Yamane K, Shirai K, Nagakura Y, Yamaguchi M, Takiya A, Horii T, Tanaka N, Yamane S, Arai T, Otake T
Spatial variation in otolith elemental composition of the Pacific herring Clupea pallasii in northern Japan
AB 10:283-290 | Full text in pdf format

Volumes 1 to 10 (2007-2010)
AB 10:291-305 | Full text in pdf format