Inter-Research > AB > v20 > n2  
Aquatic Biology

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AB - Vol. 20, No. 2 - Table of contents

AB - Vol. 20, No. 2 - Table of contents

Aquat Biol (Print ISSN: 1864-7782; Online ISSN: 1864-7790)
Copyright © 2014 Inter-Research.

All articles are are freely available to all users ('Free Access').
Navarro-Barranco C, Guerra-García JM, Sánchez-Tocino L, García-Gómez JC
Mobile epifaunal community in marine caves in comparison to open habitats
AB 20:101-109 | Full text in pdf format

Robinson EM, Lunt J, Marshall CD, Smee DL
Eastern oysters Crassostrea virginica deter crab predators by altering their morphology in response to crab cues
AB 20:111-118 | Full text in pdf format

Wang Y, Qiu Q, Li S, Xin G, Tam NFY
Inhibitory effect of municipal sewage on symbiosis between mangrove plants and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi
AB 20:119-127 | Full text in pdf format

Villegas-Hernández H, Rodríguez-Canul R, Guillén-Hernández S, Zamora-Bustillos R, González-Salas C
Population differentiation in Haemulon plumieri juveniles across the northern coast of the Yucatan Peninsula
AB 20:129-137 | Full text in pdf format

Nicolau A, Sequeira L, Santos C, Mota M
Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionisation time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS) applied to diatom identification: influence of culturing age
AB 20:139-144 | Full text in pdf format

Xuan F, Guan W, Bao C, Tang F, Tang B, Zhou C
Current fishing practices may induce low risk of sperm limitation in female swimming crab Portunus trituberculatus in the East China Sea
AB 20:145-153 | Full text in pdf format

Gosch M, Hernandez-Milian G, Rogan E, Jessopp M, Cronin M
Grey seal diet analysis in Ireland highlights the importance of using multiple diagnostic features
AB 20:155-167 | Full text in pdf format

Scheibler EE, Roig-Juñent SA, Claps MC
Chironomid (Insecta: Diptera) assemblages along an Andean altitudinal gradient
AB 20:169-184 | Full text in pdf format