Forecasting the economic impacts of two biofouling invaders on aquaculture production of green-lipped mussels Perna canaliculus in New Zealand
Invasive aquatic species (IAS) are an increasing problem for aquaculture, affecting production and market value. While the investment needed to eradicate or reduce the spread of IAS can usually be quantified, the benefits of early intervention are often less certain. Soliman and Inglis estimate the cumulative economic impacts of two IAS — the Mediterranean fan worm (Sabella spallanzanii) and clubbed tunicate (Styela clava) — on New Zealand green-lipped mussel aquaculture. Combining outputs from an infestation model, and ecosystem energy budget model with partial budgeting and equilibrium models, they estimate the direct impact on producers at $NZ26.4 million for both species over 24 years. Slowing their spread, reducing densities, and enhancing the market position of product could significantly mitigate the potential impacts.