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Aquatic Microbial Ecology

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AME - Vol. 38, No. 1 - Table of contents

AME - Vol. 38, No. 1 - Table of contents

Aquat Microb Ecol (Print ISSN: 0948-3055; Online ISSN: 1616-1564)
Copyright © 2005 Inter-Research
Published January 21

All abstracts and full article pdfs in this issue are available to all users, compliments of Inter-Research.

Kinne O
25 Years Inter-Research 1979-2004
AME 38:1-2 | Full article in pdf format


Church MJ, Jenkins BD, Karl DM, Zehr JP
Vertical distributions of nitrogen-fixing phylotypes at Stn Aloha in the oligotrophic North Pacific Ocean
AME 38:3-14 | Full article in pdf format

Stevens H, Brinkhoff T, Simon M
Composition of free-living, aggregate-associated and sediment surface-associated bacterial communities in the German Wadden Sea
AME 38:15-30 | Full article in pdf format

Tang KW
Copepods as microbial hotspots in the ocean: effects of host feeding activities on attached bacteria
AME 38:31-40 | Full article in pdf format

Lau SCK, Thiyagarajan V, Cheung SCK, Qian PY
Roles of bacterial community composition in biofilms as a mediator for larval settlement of three marine invertebrates
AME 38:41-51 | Full article in pdf format

García de Lomas J, Corzo A, García CM, van Bergeijk SA
Microbenthos in a hypersaline tidal lagoon: factors affecting microhabitat, community structure and mass exchange at the sediment-water interface
AME 38:53-69 | Full article in pdf format

Stief P, Becker G
Structuring of epilithic biofilms by the caddisfly Tinodes rostocki: photosynthetic activity and photopigment distribution in and beside larval retreats
AME 38:71-79 | Full article in pdf format

Stapleton RD Jr., Sabree ZL, Palumbo AV, Moyer CL, Devol AH, Roh Y, Zhou J
Metal reduction at cold temperatures by Shewanella isolates from various marine environments
AME 38:81-91 | Full article in pdf format

Skovgaard A
Infection with the dinoflagellate parasite Blastodinium spp. in two Mediterranean copepods
AME 38:93-101 | Full article in pdf format