Szabó KÉ, Itor POB, Bertilsson S, Tranvik L, Eiler AImportance of rare and abundant populations for the structure and functional potential of freshwater bacterial communities AME 47:1-10 | More Information... | Full text in pdf format |
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Pearce I, Davidson AT, Bell EM, Wright S
Seasonal changes in the concentration and metabolic activity of bacteria and viruses at an Antarctic coastal site
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Gobler CJ, Anderson OR, Gastrich MD, Wilhelm SW
Ecological aspects of viral infection and lysis in the harmful brown tide alga Aureococcus anophagefferens
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Davy JE, Patten NL
Morphological diversity of virus-like particles within the surface microlayer of scleractinian corals
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Malmstrom RR, Straza TRA, Cottrell MT, Kirchman DL
Diversity, abundance, and biomass production of bacterial groups in the western Arctic Ocean
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Lin X, Scranton MI, Varela R, Chistoserdov A, Taylor GT
Compositional responses of bacterial communities to redox gradients and grazing in the anoxic Cariaco Basin
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Charpy L, Alliod R, Rodier M, Golubic S
Benthic nitrogen fixation in the SW New Caledonia lagoon
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Müller N, Hempel M, Philipp B, Gross EM
Degradation of gallic acid and hydrolysable polyphenols is constitutively activated in the freshwater plant-associated bacterium Matsuebacter sp. FB25
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Verma B, Robarts RD, Headley JV
Effect of tetracycline on the colonization and growth of microbes on Scirpus lacustris litter in oligotrophic and eutrophic waters
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Møller EF, Riemann L, Søndergaard M
Bacteria associated with copepods: abundance, activity and community composition
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