Kardinaal WEA, Janse I, Kamst-van Agterveld M, Meima M, Snoek J, Mur LR, Huisman J, Zwart G, Visser PMicrocystis genotype succession in relation to microcystin concentrations in freshwater lakes. AME 48:1-12 | More Information... | Full text in pdf format |
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Lee MH, Keams JL, Helzer DW, Leiser OP, Ochoa MA, Connon SA, Magnuson TS,Watwood ME
Evaluation of viral and prokaryotic community dynamics in Alvord Desert hot springs, Oregon, USA
AME 48:19-26 | Full text in pdf format
Motegi C, Nagata T
Enhancement of viral production by addition of nitrogen or nitrogen plus carbon in subtropical surface waters of the South Pacific
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Veuger B, Middelburg JJ
Incorporation of nitrogen from amino acids and urea by benthic microbes: role of bacteria versus algae and coupled incorporation of carbon
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Rink B, Seeberger S, Martens T, Duerselen C-D, Simon M, Brinkhoff T
Effects of phytoplankton bloom in a coastal ecosystem on the composition of bacterial communities
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Moon JB, Carrick HJ
Seasonal variation of phytoplankton nutrient limitation in Lake Erie
AME 48:61-71 | Full text in pdf format
Bucciarelli E, Sunda WG, Belviso S, Sarthou G
Effect of the diel cycle on production of dimethylsulfoniopropionate in batch cultures
of Emiliania huxleyi
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Park JS, Myung G, Kim HS, Cho BC, Yih W
Growth responses of the marine photosynthetic ciliate Myrionecta rubra to different
cryptomonad strains
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Shimeta J, Gast RJ, Rose JM
Community structure of marine sedimentary protists in relation to flow and grain size
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