Claquin P, Probert I, Lefebvre S, Veron BEffects of temperature on photosynthetic parameters and TEP production in eight species of marine microalgae AME 51:1-11 | More Information... | Full text in pdf format |
Short SM, Short CM
Diversity of algal viruses in various North American freshwater environments
AME 51:13-21 | Full text in pdf format
Fenchel T
Motility of bacteria in sediments
AME 51:23-30 | Full text in pdf format
Bissett A, Bowman JP, Burke CM
Flavobacterial response to organic pollution
AME 51:31-43 | Full text in pdf format
Biegala IC, Raimbault P
High abundance of diazotrophic picocyanobacteria (<3 µm) in a Southwest Pacific coral lagoon
AME 51:45-53 | Full text in pdf format
Kan J, Evans SE, Chen F, Suzuki MT
Novel estuarine bacterioplankton in rRNA operon libraries from the Chesapeake Bay
AME 51:55-66 | Full text in pdf format
Yin H, Qiu G, Wu L, Xie M, Zhou J, Dai Z, Wang D, Kellogg L, Cao L, Liu X
Microbial community diversity and changes associated with a mine drainage gradient at the Dexing copper mine, China
AME 51:67-76 | Full text in pdf format
Neustupa J, St’astny J, Hodac L
Temperature-related phenotypic plasticity in the green microalga Micrasterias rotata
AME 51:77-86 | Full text in pdf format
Rengefors K, Pålsson C, Hansson LA, Heiberg L
Cell lysis of competitors and osmotrophy enhance growth of the bloom-forming alga Gonyostomum semen
AME 51:87-96 | Full text in pdf format
Buck U, Babenzien HD, Zwirnmann E
Extracellular peroxidase activity in an experimentally divided lake (Große Fuchskuhle, northern Germany)
AME 51:97-103 | Full text in pdf format