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Aquatic Microbial Ecology

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AME - Vol. 61, No. 2 - Table of contents

AME - Vol. 61, No. 2 - Table of contents

Aquat Microb Ecol (Print ISSN: 0948-3055; Online ISSN: 1616-1564)
Copyright © 2010 Inter-Research.

Abstracts are available to all users. Full article .pdfs are available to subscribers only.
Articles marked by are freely available to all users.

Farnelid H, Tarangkoon W, Hansen G, Hansen PJ, Riemann L
Putative N2-fixing heterotrophic bacteria associated with dinoflagellate-Cyanobacteria consortia in the low-nitrogen Indian Ocean
AME 61:105-117 | Full text in pdf format

Powell SM, Stark JS, Snape I, Woolfenden ENM, Bowman JP, Riddle MJ
Effects of diesel and lubricant oils on Antarctic benthic microbial communities over five years
AME 61:119-127 | Full text in pdf format

Sundström AM, Kremp A, Tammilehto A, Tuimala J, Larsson U
Detection of the bloom-forming cold-water dinoflagellate Biecheleria baltica in the Baltic Sea using LSU rRNA probes
AME 61:129-140 | Full text in pdf format

Skingel TR, Spencer SE, Le CQ, Serrano CA, Mydlarz LD, Scarbrough BJ, Schug KA, Brooks BW, Grover JP
Hemolytic toxicity and nutritional status of Prymnesium parvum during population growth
AME 61:141-148 | Full text in pdf format

Davis TW, Harke MJ, Marcoval MA, Goleski J, Orano-Dawson C, Berry DL, Gobler CJ
Effects of nitrogenous compounds and phosphorus on the growth of toxic and non-toxic strains of Microcystis during cyanobacterial blooms
AME 61:149-162 | Full text in pdf format

Burgmer T, Reiss J, Wickham SA, Hillebrand H
Effects of snail grazers and light on the benthic microbial food web in periphyton communities
AME 61:163-178 | Full text in pdf format

Wietz M, Gram L, Jørgensen B, Schramm A
Latitudinal patterns in the abundance of major marine bacterioplankton groups
AME 61:179-189 | Full text in pdf format

Jing H, Liu H, Suzuki K, Sohrin R, Nishioka J
Community compositions of Bacteria and Archaea in the Sea of Okhotsk during summer
AME 61:191-204 | Full text in pdf format

Lemke A, Lunau M, Badewien TH, Simon M
Short-term and seasonal dynamics of bacterial biomass production and amino acid turnover in the water column of an intertidal ecosystem, the Wadden Sea
AME 61:205-218 | Full text in pdf format