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Aquatic Microbial Ecology

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AME - Vol. 64, No. 3 - Table of contents

AME - Vol. 64, No. 3 - Table of contents

Aquat Microb Ecol (Print ISSN: 0948-3055; Online ISSN: 1616-1564)
Copyright © 2011 Inter-Research.

Abstracts are available to all users. Full article .pdfs are available to subscribers only.
Articles marked by are freely available to all users.

Ducklow HW, Myers KMS, Erickson M, Ghiglione JF, Murray AE
Response of a summertime Antarctic marine ­bacterial community to glucose and ammonium enrichment
AME 64:205-220 | Full text in pdf format

Fiorini S, Middelburg JJ, Gattuso JP
Effects of elevated CO2 partial pressure and temperature on the coccolithophore Syracosphaera pulchra
AME 64:221-232 | Full text in pdf format

Ory P, Palesse S, Delmas D, Montanié H
In situ structuring of virioplankton through ­bacterial exoenzymatic activity: interaction with phytoplankton
AME 64:233-252 | Full text in pdf format

Seuthe L, Töpper B, Reigstad M, Thyrhaug R, Vaquer-Sunyer R
Microbial communities and processes in ice-covered Arctic waters of the northwestern Fram Strait (75 to 80°N) during the vernal pre-bloom phase
AME 64:253-266 | Full text in pdf format

Parnell JJ, Rompato G, Crowl TA, Weimer BC, Pfrender ME
Phylogenetic distance in Great Salt Lake microbial communities
AME 64:267-273 | Full text in pdf format

Mayer LM, Thornton KH, Schick LL
Bioavailability of organic matter photodissolved from coastal sediments
AME 64:275-284 | Full text in pdf format

Arnosti C, Grossart HP, Mühling M, Joint I, Passow U
Dynamics of extracellular enzyme activities in seawater under changed atmospheric pCO2: a mesocosm investigation
AME 64:285-298 | Full text in pdf format

Khodse VB, Bhosle NB
Bacterial utilization of size-fractionated dissolved organic matter
AME 64:299-309 | Full text in pdf format