Peltomaa E, Johnson MD
Mesodinium rubrum exhibits genus-level but not species-level cryptophyte prey selection
AME 78:147-159 | Full text in pdf format
Paulsen ML, Riisgaard K, St John M, Thingstad TF, Nielsen TG
Heterotrophic nanoflagellate grazing facilitates subarctic Atlantic spring bloom development
AME 78:161-176 | Full text in pdf format
Spiese CE, Sanford JL, Bowling MN, Tatarkov EA, Pinkney AL
Methanesulfonate supports growth as the sole sulfur source for the marine diatom Thalassiosira pseudonana NCMA 1335
AME 78:177-185 | Full text in pdf format
Péquin B, Mohit V, Poisot T, Tremblay R, Lovejoy C
Wind drives microbial eukaryote communities in a temperate closed lagoon
AME 78:187-200 | Full text in pdf format