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Climate Research

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CR - Vol. 38, No. 2 - Table of contents

CR - Vol. 38, No. 2 - Table of contents

Clim Res (Print ISSN: 0936-577X; Online ISSN: 1616-1572)
Copyright © 2009 Inter-Research.

CR issues are built online article by article. Issues will be printed when full.

All abstracts and full article pdfs in this issue are available to all users, compliments of Inter-Research.

Maxwell JT, Soulé PT
United States drought of 2007: historical perspectives
CR 38:95-104 | Full text in pdf format

Kysely J, Kim J
Mortality during heat waves in South Korea, 1991 to 2005: How exceptional was the 1994 heat wave?
CR 38:105-116 | Full text in pdf format

Challinor AJ, Wheeler T, Hemming D, Upadhyaya HD
Ensemble yield simulations: crop and climate uncertainties, sensitivity to temperature and genotypic adaptation to climate change
CR 38:117-127 | Full text in pdf format

Fang K, Gou X, Chen F, Yang M, Li J, He M, Zhang Y, Tian Q, Peng J
Drought variations in the eastern part of northwest China over the past two centuries: evidence from tree rings
CR 38:129-135 | Full text in pdf format

Ford JD, Gough WA, Laidler GJ, MacDonald J, Irngaut C, Qrunnut K
Sea ice, climate change, and community vulnerability in northern Foxe Basin, Canada
CR 38:137-154 | Full text in pdf format

Keil A, Teufel N, Gunawan D, Leemhuis C
Vulnerability of smallholder farmers to ENSO-related drought in Indonesia
CR 38:155-169 | Full text in pdf format

Szymanowski M, Kryza M
GIS-based techniques for urban heat island-spatialization
CR 38:171-187 | Full text in pdf format