Inter-Research > CR > v47 > n1-2 > p139-144  
Climate Research

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CR 47:139-144 (2011)  -  DOI:

Contribution to the CR Special: 'Climate services for sustainable development'

Bridging the gap between climate scientists and decision makers

D. J. Griggs*, T. S. Kestin

Monash Sustainability Institute, Monash University, Victoria 3800, Australia

ABSTRACT: Despite the increasing scientific evidence that human-induced climate change poses a major risk to human and natural systems, there appears to be a decline in the momentum for action to reduce this risk, and more alarmingly a decline in the trust the public holds in the scientific evidence itself. In this paper we explore the role and responsibilities of the climate science community in overcoming this gap in perceptions, and also describe some initiatives underway in Australia that help the climate science community to proactively engage with policymakers and business leaders.

KEY WORDS: Climate change · Climate science community · Communication · Decision making · Climate Works · Australia

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Cite this article as: Griggs DJ, Kestin TS (2011) Bridging the gap between climate scientists and decision makers. Clim Res 47:139-144.

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