Lorenzo-Lacruz J, Vicente-Serrano SM, González-Hidalgo JC, López-Moreno JI, Cortesi N
Hydrological drought response to meteorological drought in the Iberian Peninsula
CR 58:117-131 | Full text in pdf format
Shuai J, Zhang Z, Sun DZ, Tao F, Shi P
ENSO, climate variability and crop yields in China
CR 58:133-148 | Full text in pdf format
Domínguez M, Romera R, Sánchez E, Fita L, Fernández J, Jiménez-Guerrero P, Montávez JP, Cabos WD, Liguori G, Gaertner MÁ
Present-climate precipitation and temperature extremes over Spain from a set of high resolution RCMs
CR 58:149-164 | Full text in pdf format
Brown JN, Brown JR, Langlais C, Colman R, Risbey JS, Murphy BF, Moise A, Sen Gupta A, Smith I, Wilson L, Narsey S, Grose M, Wheeler MC
Exploring qualitative regional climate projections: a case study for Nauru
CR 58:165-182 | Full text in pdf format
Grundstein A, Elguindi N, Cooper E, Ferrara MS
Exceedance of wet bulb globe temperature safety thresholds in sports under a warming climate
CR 58:183-191 | Full text in pdf format