Inter-Research > CR > v77 > n1 > p77-89  
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CR 77:77-89 (2019)  -  DOI:

Surface ozone concentration and its relation with weather types in NW Italy, 2003-2014

Elisa Giaccone1,2,*, Simona Fratianni2,3, Nicola Cortesi4, José Carlos González-Hidalgo5

1University of Lausanne, Institute of Earth Surface Dynamics, Géopolis, 1015 Lausanne, Switzerland
2University of Turin, Department of Earth Sciences, via Valperga Caluso 35, 10125 Turin, Italy
3Research Centre on Natural Risks in Mountain and Hilly Environments (NatRisk), via Leonardo da Vinci 44, 10095 Grugliasco, Italy
4Earth Sciences Department (ESS), Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Carrer de Jordi Girona 29, 08034 Barcelona, Spain
5Department of Geography, IUCA, University of Zaragoza, Pedro Cerbuna 12, 50009 Zaragoza, Spain
*Corresponding author:

ABSTRACT: In this study, we analyzed the evolution of the surface ozone concentration in north-western Italy and its relation to weather types (WTs) during the 2003-2014 period, by downloading and processing the ozone data from monitoring stations for the cities of Turin, Asti, Genoa and Savona. The corresponding trends were calculated and the correlation between ozone and the WTs assessed. Specifically, daily surface atmospheric patterns were obtained from sea level pressure data from the NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data set, and the WTs were classified following the Lamb catalogue. Furthermore, the influence of nitrogen dioxide (NO2), temperature, precipitation and wind speed on ozone values was evaluated on a daily basis. Results showed a cyclical evolution of ozone on a daily, weekly and seasonal scale, with maximum values in daytime and summer, and minimum values at night and during winter. The observed trends were not significant because of strong inter-annual variability. Inland ozone values were generally lower than coastal ones, but fluctuated more. The average ozone concentrations were statistically related to WTs: high ozone values were associated with the eastern type and low values with the cyclonic and western types. Also, temperature and wind speed had a significant influence on the ozone concentration for both inland and coastland cities. More specifically, temperature had a positive correlation with ozone in each city, wind had a positive correlation only in inland areas; the correlation in the coastal zone was negative. Precipitation generally showed a negative and less significant correlation with daily ozone concentrations.

KEY WORDS: Ozone · Weather types · Climatic variables · Northwestern Italy

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Cite this article as: Giaccone E, Fratianni S, Cortesi N, González-Hidalgo JC (2019) Surface ozone concentration and its relation with weather types in NW Italy, 2003-2014. Clim Res 77:77-89.

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