Inter-Research > CR > v92 > p65-77  
Climate Research

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CR 92:65-77 (2024)  -  DOI:

Impact of climate change on farm-level technical efficiency in Punjab, Pakistan

Khush Bukhat Zahid1, Hassnain Shah2,*

1Training and Adaptive Research Unit (TARU), Department of Agriculture, Muzaffarabad, 13100, AJK, Pakistan
2Social Sciences Research Division, Pakistan Agricultural Research Council, Islamabad, Pakistan
*Corresponding author:

ABSTRACT: This paper assessed the impact of climate change on farm-level productivity and technical efficiency in the Punjab province of Pakistan. The stochastic production frontier model was employed at the farm household level for 3 yr of panel data (n = 537) covering 3 cropping systems (rice-wheat, cotton-wheat, and mixed wheat) from 3 different agro-ecologies and 17 of 36 districts of Punjab. Though the use of inputs was found to have a positive impact on farm production, results highlight the strong negative impacts of the increase in the long-run temperature normals and fluctuating precipitation across the crop production seasons. Weather shocks and socioeconomic factors of the farm family significantly contributed to the farm’s technical efficiency. A mean technical efficiency score of 0.82 suggests that with the use of climate-smart technologies and improving farm management involving better use of production inputs, there is potential for improvements in farm-level technical efficiency. The declining trend in the mean technical efficiency due to weather shocks necessitates the adoption of climate-smart agricultural practices. However, this requires that farmers should be supported with targeted coping options for expected weather shocks differentiated by crop production zones. A well-coordinated climate and extension service can support the adoption of climate-smart agriculture for sustainable crop production.

KEY WORDS: Climate smart · Panel data · Stochastic production frontier · Weather shock · Agriculture

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Cite this article as: Zahid KB, Shah H (2024) Impact of climate change on farm-level technical efficiency in Punjab, Pakistan. Clim Res 92:65-77.

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