ABSTRACT: Juvenile meagre Argyrosomus regius (Asso, 1809) maintained in experimental conditions developed lateral and/or bilateral circular-shaped sarcoma within the opercular cavity. The sarcoma was dense, reddish and its growth from the branchial arch exerted pressure on the operculum forcing it to open. Histologically, the neoplasm exhibited marked proliferation of mesenchymal connective tissue composed largely of fusiform cells, which developed in a solid pattern accompanied by abundant mononuclear cell types. Multifocal areas of discrete necrosis were also observed, compatible with a sarcomatous proliferation. The immunological parameters analysed suggested an inflammatory response. No bacteria were isolated from the hematopoietic organs. However, Vibrio species, components of the normal seawater flora, were isolated from the tumour, which may have had a role in eliciting the immune response. No evidence of viral pathogens was found by electron microscopy. In order to look for cytogenetic alterations often linked to sarcomas, the diploid number and karyotype of this species were determined for the first time. An increase in the aneuploidy level was observed in sarcoma cell metaphase stages compared to other tissues. The aetiology of this tumour remains unknown.
KEY WORDS: Neoplasm · Bacteria · Blood parameters · Karyotype · Chromosomal abnormalities
Full text in pdf format ![]() | Cite this article as: Soares F, Leitão A, Moreira M, de Sousa JT and others (2012) Sarcoma in the thymus of juvenile meagre Argyrosomus regius reared in an intensive system. Dis Aquat Org 102:119-127. https://doi.org/10.3354/dao02545
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