Inter-Research > DAO > v107 > n2 > p151-160  
Diseases of Aquatic Organisms

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DAO 107:151-160 (2013)  -  DOI:

Retroperitoneal hemangiosarcoma in a common carp Cyprinus carpio: a case report

Michael W. Hyatt1,4,*, Tonya M. Clauss1, Sophie E. Dennison2, Alvin C. Camus3

1Georgia Aquarium, 225 Baker Street, Atlanta, Georgia 30313, USA
2Marine Mammal Radiology, 851 Indiana street #307, San Francisco, California 94107, USA
3Department of Pathology, University of Georgia, College of Veterinary Medicine, Athens, Georgia 30602, USA
4Present address: Adventure Aquarium, 1 Riverside Dr., Camden, New Jersey 08103, USA

ABSTRACT: A 7.5 kg common carp Cyprinus carpio presented with prominent localized swelling in the caudal right coelomic area, identified by ultrasound as a fluid filled mass. Fine needle aspirate (FNA) and culture results suggested a sterile seroma. Centesis removed 290 ml of serosanguinous fluid that returned within days. Recheck ultrasonography revealed a solid component within the cavity. Radiography demonstrated irregular lysis and misalignment of vertebrae adjacent to the mass, most suggestive of bacterial osteitis or neoplasia. Treatment with antibiotics followed for 2 mo but failed to resolve the lesion. Repeated radiography and ultrasonography showed progressive enlargement of the mass, with vertebral lysis and invasion characteristic of neoplasia. Ultrasound-guided FNA of the solid component of the mass was non-diagnostic. Euthanasia was elected due to the poor clinical response and primary differential of neoplasia. Post-mortem MRI and CT confirmed a retroperitoneal soft tissue mass, partially surrounded by a fluid-filled cavity, causing vertebral lysis and infiltration of the spinal canal. Expansion of the mass caused severe muscle loss and an associated elevation in creatine kinase (>120000 U l-1). Necropsy results corroborated the MRI and CT findings, revealing a retroperitoneal, multilobular, red and tan mass causing dorsal displacement of the vertebral column, with vertebral lysis, pathologic fracture and invasion of the spinal canal. Histopathologic examination revealed a locally aggressive neoplasm exhibiting multiple patterns of growth, including endothelial lined vascular channels and solid areas formed by more pleomorphic polygonal and spindle cells, consistent with hemangiosarcoma.

KEY WORDS: Hemangiosarcoma · Carp · Cyprinus carpio · Ultrasonography · MRI · CT

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Cite this article as: Hyatt MW, Clauss TM, Dennison SE, Camus AC (2013) Retroperitoneal hemangiosarcoma in a common carp Cyprinus carpio: a case report. Dis Aquat Org 107:151-160.

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