Inter-Research > DAO > v132 > n3  
Diseases of Aquatic Organisms

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DAO - Vol. 132, No. 3 - Table of contents

DAO - Vol. 132, No. 3 - Table of contents

Dis Aquat Org (Print ISSN: 0177-5103; Online ISSN: 1616-1580)
Copyright © 2019 Inter-Research.Published January 24

Abstracts are availabe to all users. Full article .pdfs are available to subscribers only.
Articles marked by are freely available to all users.
Nowosad J, Kucharczyk D
First report of the occurrence and different types of conjoined twins in common whitefish Coregonus maraena larvae originating from the Baltic Sea
DAO 132:163-170 | Full text in pdf format

Wu W, Wang QS, Sato H, Zhang JY
Morphological and molecular characterization of the muscle-infecting myxosporean Myxobolus xinyangensis sp. nov. from Abbottina rivularis in China
DAO 132:171-179 | Full text in pdf format

Suong NT, Banks JC, Fidler A, Jeffs A, Wakeman KC, Webb S
PCR and histology identify new bivalve hosts of Apicomplexan-X (APX), a common parasite of the New Zealand flat oyster Ostrea chilensis
DAO 132:181-189 | Full text in pdf format

Gendron AD, Sanchez D, Douville M, Houde M
Stress-related gene transcription in fish exposed to parasitic larvae of two freshwater mussels with divergent infection strategies
DAO 132:191-202 | Full text in pdf format

Santoro M, Iaccarino D, Di Nocera F, Degli Uberti B, Lucibelli MG, Borriello G, De Luca G, D'Amore M, Cerrone A, Galiero G
Molecular detection of Chlamydia abortus in a stranded Mediterranean striped dolphin Stenella coeruleoalba
DAO 132:203-208 | Full text in pdf format

Alavi-Yeganeh MS, Razavi S, Egan JP
NOTE: Taillessness and skeletal deformity in striped piggy Pomadasys stridens (Osteichthyes: Haemulidae) from the Persian Gulf
DAO 132:209-213 | Full text in pdf format

Pautasso A, Iulini B, Grattarola C, Giorda F, Goria M, Peletto S, Masoero L, Mignone W, Varello K, Petrella A, Carbone A, Pintore A, Denurra D, Scholl F, Cersini A, Puleio R, Purpari G, Lucifora G, Fusco G, Di Guardo G, Mazzariol S, Casalone C
NOTE: Novel dolphin morbillivirus (DMV) outbreak among Mediterranean striped dolphins Stenella coeruleoalba in Italian waters
DAO 132:215-220 | Full text in pdf format

McKenzie CM, Piczak ML, Snyman HN, Joseph T, Theijin C, Chow-Fraser P, Jardine CM
NOTE: First report of ranavirus mortality in a common snapping turtle Chelydra serpentina
DAO 132:221-227 | Full text in pdf format

Souza JSd, Canellas BGdC, Sakabe R, Santos LNd, Santos AFGNd
The parasitic isopod Mothocya nana drives dietary shifts and poorer condition of Brazilian silversides Atherinella brasiliensis
DAO 132:229-239 | Full text in pdf format

Dhar AK, Piamsomboon P, Aranguren Caro LF, Kanrar S, Adami R Jr, Juan YS
First report of acute hepatopancreatic necrosis disease (AHPND) occurring in the USA
DAO 132:241-247 | Full text in pdf format