Inter-Research > DAO > v133 > n1 > p1-5  
Diseases of Aquatic Organisms

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DAO 133:1-5 (2019)  -  DOI:

Metastatic testicular Sertoli cell tumor in a free-ranging cryptorchid adult spotted seal Phoca largha in North Slope, Alaska, USA

David S. Rotstein1,*, Raphaela Stimmelmayr2,3, Billy Adams2, Mike Pederson2

1Marine Mammal Pathology Services, Olney, MD 20832, USA
2Department of Wildlife Management, North Slope Borough, Box 69, Utqiaġvik, AK 99723, USA
3Institute of Arctic Biology, University of Alaska Fairbanks, 902 N. Koyukuk Dr., PO Box 757000, Fairbanks, AK 99775-70, USA
*Corresponding author:

ABSTRACT: This case describes a metastatic Sertoli cell tumor (SCT) with lymphatic spread to the abdominal and thoracic lymph nodes, pancreas, and adrenal gland in an adult spotted seal Phoca largha. The neoplasm was composed of tubules lined by palisading neoplastic cells separated by a variably dense fibrous stroma. This pinniped was 1 of 2 cryptorchid seals and the sole case of genital neoplasia among 70 ice seals necropsied by the North Slope Borough from 2012 to 2017. Overall, SCTs are rarely reported in marine mammals.

KEY WORDS: Sertoli cell tumor · Metastatic · Cryptorchidism · Phoca largha · Spotted seal · Alaska

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Cite this article as: Rotstein DS, Stimmelmayr R, Adams B, Pederson M (2019) Metastatic testicular Sertoli cell tumor in a free-ranging cryptorchid adult spotted seal Phoca largha in North Slope, Alaska, USA. Dis Aquat Org 133:1-5.

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