Inter-Research > DAO > v38 > n1 > p39-46  
Diseases of Aquatic Organisms

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DAO 38:39-46 (1999)  -  doi:10.3354/dao038039

Kabataia gen. n., a new genus proposed for Microsporidium spp. infecting trunk muscles of fishes

Jiri Lom1,*, Iva Dyková1, Kamonporn Tonguthai2

1Institute of Parasitology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Branisovska 31, 370 05 Ceske Budejovice, Czech Republic
2Aquatic Animal Health Research Institute, Kasetsart University Campus, Bangkok 10900, Thailand

ABSTRACT: Based on a fine structural study, a new genus, Kabataia gen. n., is proposed for Microsporidium arthuri Lom, Dyková and Shaharom, 1990. It develops in trunk muscles of a South-East Asian freshwater fish, Pangasius sutchi. The genus has nuclei isolated throughout the cycle, merogony stages are multinucleate, sporogony proceeds in 2 steps: multinucleate sporont segments into sporoblast mother cells which produce 2 sporoblasts. Sporoblasts and early spores are characterized by a dense globule at the site of the posterior vacuole. Mature spores are of a rather variable shape. Their exospore is raised into small, irregular fields. The polaroplast is relatively small and its posterior part consists of flat vesicles with dense contents. The polar tube makes a small number (4 to 6) of turns. A congeneric species is Kabataia seriolae (Egusa, 1982) comb. nov. from cultured marine yellowtails Seriola quinqueradiata. Kabataia inflicts heavy damage on muscle tissue. The sarcoplasm within which Kabataia develops is reduced to an amorphous mass with tubule-like fibrils, microfibrils and small vesicles.

KEY WORDS: Microsporidia · Kabataia gen.n. · Ultrastructure · Pangasius sutchi

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