Inter-Research > DAO > v40 > n1 > p29-32  
Diseases of Aquatic Organisms

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DAO 40:29-32 (2000)  -  doi:10.3354/dao040029

Immunization of cultured juvenile rockfish Sebastes schlegeli against Microcotyle sebastis (Monogenea)

Ki Hong Kim*, Yoon Jung Hwang, Jae Bum Cho, Soo Il Park

Department of Aquatic Life Medicine, College of Fisheries Science, Pukyong National University, Pusan 608-737, Korea

ABSTRACT: To determine whether immunization with Microcotyle sebastis antigen could induce protection against the parasite's establishment, naive juvenile rockfish were immunized by injection or immersion with whole worm antigen of M. sebastis. The infestation intensities of immunized groups following a challenge (2 wk after boosting) with 5000 M. sebastis eyed-eggs were significantly lower than those of control groups, when determined 7 wk postinfection. The fish in the groups boosted with M. sebastis antigen showed stronger protection than unboosted groups. The control group injected with FCA only showed a significantly smaller number of worms than the control group, which was immersed in PBS containing seawater. The results strongly suggest that both specific and nonspecific immune factors participate in the protection of rockfish against M. sebastis establishment.

KEY WORDS: Rockfish · Microcotyle sebastis · Immunization · Injection · Immersion

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