ABSTRACT: Farmed eel cultured in recirculation systems in Denmark were found infected by Trichodina jadranica Raabe, 1958. Associations between parasite abundance and fish size was examined in 2 different production systems. In one system, stocked with relatively well-nourished eels (3 to 31 g), most of the parasites (66%) were found on the dorsal part on the skin and relatively few were found on the gills (approx. 8%). The infection level was significantly positively correlated both with fish weight and length. In the other system, stocked with relatively malnourished small eels (0.5 to 4 g), significantly more parasites (0.06 ± 0.02 [SD]) were present on fish with a low condition factor than on fish with a higher condition factor (0.13 ± 0.01 [SD]). In this eel stock the vast majority of the trichodines were found on the gills.
KEY WORDS: Eel · Trichodiniasis · Host-parasite relation · Recirculation system · Growth inhibition
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