Inter-Research > DAO > v61 > n3 > p257-262  
Diseases of Aquatic Organisms

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DAO 61:257-262 (2004)  -  doi:10.3354/dao061257

Genetic diversity among A-proteins of atypical strains of Aeromonas salmonicida

Vera Lund*, Helene Mikkelsen

Fiskeriforskning, Norwegian Institute of Fisheries and Aquaculture Research, 9291 Tromsø, Norway

ABSTRACT: The virulence array protein gene A (vapA) encoding the A-protein subunit of the surface layer of 23 typical and atypical strains of Aeromonas salmonicida from salmonids and marine fish species were sequenced, and the deduced A-protein sequences compared. The A-proteins of the typical A. salmonicida ssp. salmonicida strains were shown to be identical, while amino acid variability was revealed among A-proteins of atypical strains. The highest amino acid variability appears to be in a predicted surface exposed region and is believed to result in antigenic differences among the atypical strains of A. salmonicida.

KEY WORDS: Atypical Aeromonas salmonicida · A-protein sequence · Surface A-layer

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