ABSTRACT: Temperature strongly influenced percent mortality and time to death of salamanders exposed to the Ambystoma tigrinum virus (iridovirus) (ATV). Most salamanders survived when exposed at 26°C, whereas all died at 18°C and nearly all died at 10°C. Some asymptomatic salamanders that survived 60 d at 10 or 26°C were found to be carrying virus. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) confirmed the presence of virus in ATV-exposed salamanders but was found to be less sensitive than cell culture in detecting ATV at low concentrations. PCR products were 100% identical to ATV in the major capsid protein sequence. Virus titer was higher in salamanders held at 10°C than at 18°C but little virus, if any, was present in the small number of salamanders that died at 26°C. These results may help explain periodic viral epizootics in field populations of A. tigrinum where water temperatures fluctuate widely.
KEY WORDS: Epizootic · Cell culture · Iridovirus · Mortality
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