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Diseases of Aquatic Organisms

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DAO - Vol. 82, No. 1 - Table of contents

DAO - Vol. 82, No. 1 - Table of contents

Dis Aquat Org (Print ISSN: 0177-5103; Online ISSN: 1616-1580)
Copyright © 2008 Inter-Research. Published October 16

All abstracts and full article pdfs in this issue are available to all users, compliments of Inter-Research.


Kinne O, Klimpel S, Hyatt AD
The present and future of DAO
DAO 82:1-1 | Full text in pdf format>


Rothermel BB, Walls SC, Mitchell JC, Dodd CK Jr, Irwin LK, Green DE, Vazquez VM, Petranka JW, Stevenson DJ
Widespread occurrence of the amphibian chytrid fungus Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis in the southeastern USA
DAO 82:3-18 | Full text in pdf format

Ibrahim MMI
Helminth infracommunities of the maculated toad Amietophrynus regularis (Anura: Bufonidae) from Ismailia, Egypt
DAO 82:19-26 | Full text in pdf format

Jeong JB, Cho HJ, Jun LJ, Hong SH, Chung JK, Jeong HD
Transmission of iridovirus from freshwater ornamental fish (pearl gourami) to marine fish (rock bream)
DAO 82:27-36 | Full text in pdf format

Crockford M, Jones JB, McColl K, Whittington RJ
Comparison of three molecular methods for the detection of Pilchard herpesvirus in archived paraffin-embedded tissue and frozen tissue
DAO 82:37-44 | Full text in pdf format

Whipps CM, Matthews JL, Kent ML
Distribution and genetic characterization of Mycobacterium chelonae in laboratory zebrafish Danio rerio
DAO 82:45-54 | Full text in pdf format

Katharios P, Papadaki M, Papandroulakis N, Divanach P
Severe mortality in mesocosm-reared sharpsnout sea bream Diplodus puntazzo larvae due to epitheliocystis infection
DAO 82:55-60 | Full text in pdf format

Beck M, Evans R, Feist SW, Stebbing P, Longshaw M, Harris E
Anisakis simplex sensu lato associated with red vent syndrome in wild adult Atlantic salmon Salmo salar in England and Wales
DAO 82:61-65 | Full text in pdf format

Hakalahti-Sirén T, Mikheev VN, Valtonen ET
Control of freshwater fish louse Argulus coregoni: a step towards an integrated management strategy
DAO 82:67-77 | Full text in pdf format

López-Flores I, Robles F, Valencia JM, Grau A, Villalba A, de la Herrán R, Garrido-Ramos MA, Ruiz-Rejón C, Ruiz-Rejón M, Navas JI
Detection of Marteilia refringens using nested PCR and in situ hybridisation in Chamelea gallina from the Balearic Islands (Spain)
DAO 82:79-87 | Full text in pdf format