Stimpert AK, Mattila D, Nosal EM, Au WWL
NOTE: Tagging young humpback whale calves: methodology and diving behavior
ESR 19:11-17 | Full text in pdf format
Andrianaivoarivelo RA, Jenkins RKB, Petit EJ, Ramilijaona O, Razafindrakoto N, Racey PA
Rousettus madagascariensis (Chiroptera: Pteropodidae) shows a preference for native and commercially unimportant fruits
ESR 19:19-27 | Full text in pdf format
Schärer MT, Rowell TJ, Nemeth MI, Appeldoorn RS
Sound production associated with reproductive behavior of Nassau grouper Epinephelus striatus at spawning aggregations
ESR 19:29-38 | Full text in pdf format
Fulton CJ, Starrs D, Ruibal MP, Ebner BC
Counting crayfish: active searching and baited cameras trump conventional hoop netting in detecting Euastacus armatus
ESR 19:39-45 | Full text in pdf format
Whitehead H, Hooker SK
REVIEW: Uncertain status of the northern bottlenose whale Hyperoodon ampullatus: population fragmentation, legacy of whaling and current threats
ESR 19:47-61 | Full text in pdf format
Lovich J, Agha M, Meulblok M, Meyer K, Ennen J, Loughran C, Madrak S, Bjurlin C
Climatic variation affects clutch phenology in Agassiz’s desert tortoise Gopherus agassizii
ESR 19:63-74 | Full text in pdf format
Kindt-Larsen L, Dalskov J, Stage B, Larsen F
Observing incidental harbour porpoise Phocoena phocoena bycatch by remote electronic monitoring
ESR 19:75-83 | Full text in pdf format
Theme Section: Techniques for reducing bycatch of marine mammals in gillnets
Kamrowski RL, Limpus C, Moloney J, Hamann M
Coastal light pollution and marine turtles: assessing the magnitude of the problem
ESR 19:85-98 | Full text in pdf format