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Marine Ecology Progress Series

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MEPS - Vol. 219 - Table of contents

MEPS - Vol. 219 - Table of contents

Mar Ecol Prog Ser (Print ISSN: 0171-8630; Online ISSN: 1616-1599)
Copyright © 2001 Inter-Research
Published September 10

All abstracts and full article pdfs in this issue are available to all users, compliments of Inter-Research.


Engel A, Passow U
Carbon and nitrogen content of transparent exopolymer particles (TEP) in relation to their Alcian Blue adsorption
MEPS 219:1-10 | Full text in pdf format

Ward BB, Bronk DA
Net nitrogen uptake and DON release in surface waters: importance of trophic interactions implied from size fractionation experiments
MEPS 219:11-24 | Full text in pdf format

Nielsen K, Risgaard-Petersen N, Sømod B, Rysgaard S, Bergø T
Nitrogen and phosphorus retention estimated independently by flux measurements and dynamic modelling in the estuary, Randers Fjord, Denmark
MEPS 219:25-40 | Full text in pdf format

Kristiansen S, Farbrot T, Naustvoll LJ
Spring bloom nutrient dynamics in the Oslofjord
MEPS 219:41-49 | Full text in pdf format

Reay DS, Priddle J, Nedwell DB, Whitehouse MJ, Ellis-Evans JC, Deubert C, Connelly DP
Regulation by low temperature of phytoplankton growth and nutrient uptake in the Southern Ocean
MEPS 219:51-64 | Full text in pdf format

Teira E, Serret P, Fernández E
Phytoplankton size-structure, particulate and dissolved organic carbon production and oxygen fluxes through microbial communities in the NW Iberian coastal transition zone
MEPS 219:65-83 | Full text in pdf format

Zapata M, Edvardsen B, Rodríguez F, Maestro MA, Garrido JL
Chlorophyll c2 monogalactosyldiacylglyceride ester (chl c2-MGDG). A novel marker pigment for Chrysochromulina species (Haptophyta)
MEPS 219:85-98 | Full text in pdf format

Dudley BJ, Gahnström AME, Walker DI
The role of benthic vegetation as a sink for elevated inputs of ammonium and nitrate in a mesotrophic estuary
MEPS 219:99-107 | Full text in pdf format

Koch MS, Madden CJ
Patterns of primary production and nutrient availability in a Bahamas lagoon with fringing mangroves
MEPS 219:109-119 | Full text in pdf format

Kostylev VE, Todd BJ, Fader GBJ, Courtney RC, Cameron GDM, Pickrill RA
Benthic habitat mapping on the Scotian Shelf based on multibeam bathymetry, surficial geology and sea floor photographs
MEPS 219:121-137 | Full text in pdf format

Kevekordes K
Toxicity tests using developmental stages of Hormosira banksii (Phaeophyta) identify ammonium as a damaging component of secondary treated sewage effluent discharged into Bass Strait, Victoria, Australia
MEPS 219:139-148 | Full text in pdf format

Enríquez S, Marbà N, Duarte CM, van Tussenbroek BI, Reyes-Zavala G
Effects of seagrass Thalassia testudinum on sediment redox
MEPS 219:149-158 | Full text in pdf format

Brockington S, Peck LS
Seasonality of respiration and ammonium excretion in the Antarctic echinoid Sterechinus neumayeri
MEPS 219:159-168 | Full text in pdf format

Sponer R, Deheyn D, Roy MS
Large genetic distances within a population of Amphipholis squamata (Echinodermata; Ophiuroidea) do not support colour varieties as sibling species
MEPS 219:169-175 | Full text in pdf format

Alunno-Bruscia M, Bourget E, Fréchette M
Shell allometry and length-mass-density relationship for Mytilus edulis in an experimental food-regulated situation
MEPS 219:177-188 | Full text in pdf format

Beaugrand G, Ibañez F, Lindley JA
Geographical distribution and seasonal and diel changes in the diversity of calanoid copepods in the North Atlantic and North Sea
MEPS 219:189-203 | Full text in pdf format

Hirche HJ, Brey T, Niehoff B
A high-frequency time series at Ocean Weather Ship Station M (Norwegian Sea): population dynamics of Calanus finmarchicus
MEPS 219:205-219 | Full text in pdf format

De Robertis A, Eiane K, Rau GH
Eat and run: anoxic feeding and subsequent aerobic recovery by Orchomene obtusus in Saanich Inlet, British Columbia, Canada
MEPS 219:221-227 | Full text in pdf format

Zimmermann C, Kunzmann A
Baseline respiration and spontaneous activity of sluggish marine tropical fish of the family Scorpaenidae
MEPS 219:229-239 | Full text in pdf format

Shiao JC, Tzeng WN, Collins A, Jellyman DJ
Dispersal pattern of glass eel stage of Anguilla australis revealed by otolith growth increments
MEPS 219:241-250 | Full text in pdf format

Guinet C, Dubroca L, Lea MA, Goldsworthy S, Cherel Y, Duhamel G, Bonadonna F, Donnay JP
Spatial distribution of foraging in female Antarctic fur seals Arctocephalus gazella in relation to oceanographic variables: a scale-dependent approach using geographic information systems
MEPS 219:251-264 | Full text in pdf format

Lydersen C, Martin AR, Kovacs KM, Gjertz I
Summer and autumn movements of white whales Delphinapterus leucas in Svalbard, Norway
MEPS 219:265-274 | Full text in pdf format

Spear LB, Ballance LT, Ainley DG
Response of seabirds to thermal boundaries in the tropical Pacific: the thermocline versus the Equatorial Front
MEPS 219:275-289 | Full text in pdf format


Soltwedel T, Vopel K
Bacterial abundance and biomass in response to organism-generated habitat heterogeneity in deep-sea sediments
MEPS 219:291-298 | Full text in pdf format

Kaehler S, Pakhomov EA
Effects of storage and preservation on the d13C and d15N signatures of selected marine organisms
MEPS 219:299-304 | Full text in pdf format

Coma R, Ribes M, Gili JM, Hughes RN
The ultimate opportunists: consumers of seston
MEPS 219:305-308 | Full text in pdf format