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Marine Ecology Progress Series

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MEPS - Vol. 24 - Table of contents

Mar Ecol Prog Ser (Print ISSN: 0171-8630; Online ISSN: 1616-1599)
Copyright © 1985 Inter-Research.

All full articles in this issue are available to all users, compliments of Inter-Research.
Smith, W. G., Morse, W. W.
Retention of larval haddock Melanogrammus aeglefinus in the Georges Bank region, a gyre-influenced spawning area
MEPS 24:1-13 | Full text in pdf format

Munk, P., Kiøboe, T.
Feeding behaviour and swimming activity of larval herring (Clupea harengus) in relation to density of copepod nauplii
MEPS 24:15-21 | Full text in pdf format

Green, J. M., Martel, G., Kingsland, E. A.
Foraging time allocation in a territorial fish: influence of reproductive activities
MEPS 24:23-26 | Full text in pdf format

Sorokin, Yu. I., Kopylov, A. I., Mamaeva, N. V.
Abundance and dynamics of microplankton in the central tropical Indian Ocean
MEPS 24:27-41 | Full text in pdf format

Marra, J., Heinemann, K., Landriau, G. Jr.
Observed and predicted measurements of photosynthesis in a phytoplankton culture exposed to natural irradiance
MEPS 24:43-50 | Full text in pdf format

Riaux-Gobin, C.
Long-term changes in microphytobenthos in a Brittany estuary after the 'Amoco Cadiz' oil spill
MEPS 24:51-56 | Full text in pdf format

Williams, S. L, Yarish, S. M., Gill, I. P.
Ammonium distributions, production, and efflux from backreef sediments, St. Croix, US Virgin Islands
MEPS 24:57-64 | Full text in pdf format

Jørgensen, B. B., Sørensen, J.
Seasonal cycles of 02, N03- and S042- reduction in estuarine sediments: the significance of an N03- reduction maximum in spring
MEPS 24:65-74 | Full text in pdf format

Piatt, H. M., Lambshead, P. J. D.
Neutral modelanalysis of patterns of marine benthic species diversity
MEPS 24:75-81 | Full text in pdf format

Nichols, F. H., Thompson, J. K.
Persistence of an introduced mudflat community in South San Francisco Bay, California
MEPS 24:83-97 | Full text in pdf format

Van Moorsel, G. W. N. M.
Disturbance and growth of juvenile corals {Agaricia humilis and Agaricia agaricites, Scleractinia) in natural habitats on the reef of Curagao
MEPS 24:99-112 | Full text in pdf format

Schweimanns, M., Felbeck, H.
Significance of the occurrence of chemoautotrophic bacterial endosymbionts in lucinid clams from Bermuda
MEPS 24:113-120 | Full text in pdf format

Pipe, R. K.
Seasonal cycles in and effects of starvation on egg development in Mytilus edulis
MEPS 24:121-128 | Full text in pdf format

Bryant, V., Newbery, D. M., McLusky, D. S., Campbell, R.
Effect of temperature and salinity on the toxicity of arsenic to three estuarine invertebrates (Corophium volutator, Macoma balthica, Tubiflex costatus)
MEPS 24:129-137 | Full text in pdf format

Bryant, V., Newbery, D. M., McLusky, D. S., Campbell, R.
Effect of temperature and salinity on the toxicity of nickel and zinc to two estuarine invertebrates (Corophium volutator, Macoma balthica)
MEPS 24:139-153 | Full text in pdf format

Russo, A. R.
Ecological observations on the gorgonian sea fan Eunicella cavolinii'in the Bay of Naples
MEPS 24:155-159 | Full text in pdf format

Fenaux, L., Cellario, C, Etienne, M.
Variations in the ingestion rate of algal cells with morphological development of larvae of Paracentrotus lividus (Echinodermata: Echinoidea)
MEPS 24:161-165 | Full text in pdf format

Pregnall, A. M., Rudy, P. P.
Contribution of green macroalgal mats (Enteromorpha spp.) to seasonal production in an estuary
MEPS 24:167-176 | Full text in pdf format

Townsend, D. W., Cammen, L. M.
A deep protozoan maximum in the Gulf of Maine
MEPS 24:177-182 | Full text in pdf format

Lester, R. T., Bak, B. P. M.
Effects of environment on regeneration rate of tissue lesions in the reef coral Montastrea annularis (Scleractinia)
MEPS 24:183-185 | Full text in pdf format

Rochet, M., Legendre, L., Demers, S.
Acclimation of sea-ice microalgae to freezing temperature
MEPS 24:187-191 | Full text in pdf format

Cadée, G. C.
Macroaggregates of Emiliana huxleyi in sediment traps
MEPS 24:193-196 | Full text in pdf format

Bunt, J. S., Williams, W. T., Clay, H. J.
Detection of species sequences across environmental gradients
MEPS 24:197-199 | Full text in pdf format

Cucci, T. L., Shumway, S. E., Newell, R. C, Selvin, R., Guillard, R. R. L., Yentsch, C. M.
Flow cytometry: a new method for characterization of differential ingestion, digestion and egestion by suspension feeders
MEPS 24:201-204 | Full text in pdf format

Coull, B. C.
Long-term variability of estuarine meiobenthos: an 11 year study
MEPS 24:205-218 | Full text in pdf format

Coull, B. C, Dudley, B. W.
Dynamics of meiobenthic copepod populations: a long-term study (1973-1983)
MEPS 24:219-229 | Full text in pdf format

Goldman, J. C, Caron, D. A., Andersen, O. K., Dennett, M. R.
Nutrient cycling in a microflagellate food chain: I. Nitrogen dynamics
MEPS 24:231-242 | Full text in pdf format

Caron, D. A., Goldman, J. C, Andersen, O. K., Dennett, M. R.
Nutrient cycling in a microflagellate food chain: II. Population dynamics and carbon cycling
MEPS 24:243-254 | Full text in pdf format

Feijtel, T. C, DeLaune, R. D., Patrick, W. H. Jr.
Carbon flow in coastal Louisiana
MEPS 24:255-260 | Full text in pdf format

Young, G. A.
Byssus-thread formation by the mussel Mytilus edulis: effects of environmental factors
MEPS 24:261-271 | Full text in pdf format

Wen Yuh Lee, Zhang, X. K., Van Baalen, C, Arnold, C. R.
Feeding and reproductive performance of the harpacticoid Tisbe carolinensis (Copepoda, Crustacea) in four algal cultures
MEPS 24:273-279 | Full text in pdf format

Head, E. J. H., Harris, L. R., Abou Debs, C.
Effect of daylength and food concentration on in situ diurnal feeding rhythms in Arctic copepods
MEPS 24:281-288 | Full text in pdf format

Shanks, A. L.
Behavioral basis of internal-wave-induced shoreward transport of megalopae of the crab Pachygrapsus crassipes
MEPS 24:289-295 | Full text in pdf format

Dawirs, R. R.
Temperature and larval development of Carcinus maenas (Decapoda) in the laboratory; predictions of larval dynamics in the sea
MEPS 24:297-302 | Full text in pdf format

Haedrich, R. L.
Species number-area relationship in the deep sea
MEPS 24:303-306 | Full text in pdf format