Inter-Research > MEPS > v28  
Marine Ecology Progress Series

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MEPS - Vol. 28 - Table of contents

Mar Ecol Prog Ser (Print ISSN: 0171-8630; Online ISSN: 1616-1599)
Copyright © 1986 Inter-Research.

All full articles in this issue are available to all users, compliments of Inter-Research.
Kautsky, N., Kautsky, H., Kautsky, U., Waern, M.
Decreased depth penetration of Fucus vesicolosus (L.) since the 1940's indicates eutrophication of the Baltic Sea
MEPS 28:1-8 | Full text in pdf format

Ang, P. O. Jr
Analysis of the vegetation structure of a Sargassum community in the Philippines
MEPS 28:9-19 | Full text in pdf format

Velimirov, B.
DOC dynamics in a Mediterranean seagrass system
MEPS 28:21-41 | Full text in pdf format

Gray, C. A., Bell, J. D.
Consequences of two common techniques for sampling vagile macrofauna associated with the seagrass Zostera capricorni
MEPS 28:43-48 | Full text in pdf format

Novitsky, J. A., Karl, D. M.
Characterization of microbial activity in the surface layers of a coastal subtropical sediment
MEPS 28:49-55 | Full text in pdf format

Oviatt, C. A., Rudnick, D. T., Keller, A. A., Sampou, P. A., Almquist, G. T.
A comparison of system (02 and C02) and C-14 measurements of metabolism in estuarine mesocosms
MEPS 28:57-67 | Full text in pdf format

Oviatt, C. A., Keller, A. A., Sampou, P. A., Beatty, L. L.
Patterns of productivity during eutrophication: a mesocosm experiment
MEPS 28:69-80 | Full text in pdf format

Suzuki, R., Fujita, Y.
Chlorophyll decomposition in Skeletonema costatum: a problem in chlorophyll determination of water samples
MEPS 28:81-85 | Full text in pdf format

Johansson, C, Cain, D. J., Luoma, S. N.
Variability in the fractionation of Cu, Ag, and Zn among cytosolic proteins in the bivalve Macoma balthica
MEPS 28:87-97 | Full text in pdf format

Lavie, B., Nevo, E.
Genetic diversity of marine gastropods: contrasting strategies of Cerithium rupestre and C. scabridum in the Mediterranean Sea
MEPS 28:99-103 | Full text in pdf format

Huntley, M., Sykes, P., Rohan, S., Marin, V.
Chemically-mediated rejection of dinoflagellate prey by the copepods Calanus pacificus and Paracalanus parvus: mechanism, occurrence and significance
MEPS 28:105-120 | Full text in pdf format

Sullivan, B. K., McManus, L. T.
Factors controlling seasonal succession of the copepods Acartia hudsonica and A. tonsa in Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island: temperature and resting egg production
MEPS 28:121-128 | Full text in pdf format

Bergeron, P., Bourget, E.
Shore topography and spatial partitioning of crevice refuges by sessile epibenthos in an ice disturbed environment
MEPS 28:129-145 | Full text in pdf format

La Barre, S. C, Coll, J. C, Sammarco, P. W.
Competitive strategies of soft corals (Coelenterata: Octocorallia): III. Spacing and aggressive interactions between alcyonaceans
MEPS 28:147-156 | Full text in pdf format

Williams, D. McB.
Temporal variation in the structure of reef slope fish communities (central Great Barrier Reef): short-term effects of Acanthaster planci infestation
MEPS 28:157-164 | Full text in pdf format

Sale, P. F., Steel, W. J.
Random placement and the distribution of fishes among coral patch reefs
MEPS 28:165-174 | Full text in pdf format

Govoni, J. J., Ortner, P. B., Al-Yamani, F., Hill, L. C.
Selective feeding of spot, Leiostomus xanthurus, and Atlantic croaker, Micropogonias undulatus, larvae in the northern Gulf of Mexico
MEPS 28:175-183 | Full text in pdf format

Muschenheim, D. K., Grant, J., Mills, E. L.
Flumes for benthic ecologists: theory, construction and practice
MEPS 28:185-196 | Full text in pdf format

Fisher, N. S., Teyssie, J.-L.
Influence of food composition on the biokinetics and tissue distribution of zinc and americium in mussels
MEPS 28:197-207 | Full text in pdf format

Cain, D. J., Luoma, S. N.
Effect of seasonally changing tissue weight on trace metal concentrations in the bivalve Macoma balthica in San Francisco Bay
MEPS 28:209-217 | Full text in pdf format

Brown, S. L.
Feces of intertidal benthic invertebrates: influence of particle selection in feeding ace element concentration
MEPS 28:219-231 | Full text in pdf format

Spiro, B., Greenwood, P. B., Southward, A. J., Dando, P. R.
13C/12C ratios in marine invertebrates from reducing sediments: confirmation of nutricional importance of chemoautotrophic endosymbiotic bacteria
MEPS 28:233-240 | Full text in pdf format

Brooks, W. R., Mariscal, R. N.
Interspecific competition for space by hydroids and a sea anemone living on gastropod shells inhabited by hermit crabs
MEPS 28:241-244 | Full text in pdf format

Karlson, R. H.
Disturbance, colonial fragmentation, and dependent life history variation in two coral reef cnidarians
MEPS 28:245-249 | Full text in pdf format

Joint, I. R., Owens, N. J. P., Pomeroy, A. J.
Seasonal production of photosynthetic picoplankton and nanoplankton in the Celtic Sea
MEPS 28:251-258 | Full text in pdf format

Jernakoff, P.
Experimental investigation of interactions between the perennial red alga Gelidium pusillum and barnacles on a New South Wales rocky shore
MEPS 28:259-263 | Full text in pdf format

Bach, S. D., Thayer, G. W., LaCroix, M. W.
Export of detritus from eelgrass (Zostera marina) beds near Beaufort, North Carolina, USA
MEPS 28:265-278 | Full text in pdf format

Haney, J. C.
Seabird segregation at Gulf Stream frontal eddies
MEPS 28:279-285 | Full text in pdf format

Southward, E. C, Culter, J. K.
Discovery of Pogonophora in warm shallow waters of the Florida Shelf
MEPS 28:287-289 | Full text in pdf format

Iturriaga, R., Mitchell, B. G.
Chroococcoid cyanobacteria: a significant component in the food web dynamics of the open ocean
MEPS 28:291-297 | Full text in pdf format

Brey, T.
Increase in macrozoobenthos above the halocline in Kiel Bay comparing the 1960s with the 1980s
MEPS 28:299-302 | Full text in pdf format