Gerrodette T, Forcada JNon-recovery of two spotted and spinner dolphin populations in the eastern tropical Pacific Ocean MEPS 291:1-21 | More Information... | Full text in pdf format |
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Wild C, Røy H, Huettel M
Role of pelletization in mineralization of fine-grained coastal sediments
MEPS 291:23-33 | Full text in pdf format
Sumida PYG, Yoshinaga MY, Ciotti AM, Gaeta SA
Benthic response to upwelling events off the SE Brazilian coast
MEPS 291:35-42 | Full text in pdf format
Eder EB, Lewis MN
Proximate composition and energetic value of demersal and pelagic prey species from the SW Atlantic Ocean
MEPS 291:43-52 | Full text in pdf format
Koeve W
Magnitude of excess carbon sequestration into the deep ocean and the possible role of TEP
MEPS 291:53-64 | Full text in pdf format
Powell LM, Bowman JP, Skerratt JH, Franzmann PD, Burton HR
Ecology of a novel Synechococcus clade occurring in dense populations in saline Antarctic lakes
MEPS 291:65-80 | Full text in pdf format
Curtis JMR, Vincent ACJ
Distribution of sympatric seahorse species along a gradient of habitat complexity in a seagrass-dominated community
MEPS 291:81-91 | Full text in pdf format
Hill MS, Lopez NA, Young KA
Anti-predator defenses in western North Atlantic sponges with evidence of enhanced defense through interactions between spicules and chemicals
MEPS 291:93-102 | Full text in pdf format
Cook AA, Bhadury P, Debenham NJ, Meldal BHM, Blaxter ML, Smerdon GR, Austen MC, Lambshead PJD, Rogers AD
Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) as a tool for identification of marine nematodes
MEPS 291:103-113 | Full text in pdf format
Velasco LA, Navarro JM
Feeding physiology of two bivalves under laboratory and field conditions in response to variable food concentrations
MEPS 291:115-124 | Full text in pdf format
Klein Breteler WCM, Schogt N, Rampen S
Effect of diatom nutrient limitation on copepod development: the role of essential lipids
MEPS 291:125-133 | Full text in pdf format
Lovvorn JR, Cooper LW, Brooks ML, De Ruyck CC, Bump JK, Grebmeier JM
Organic matter pathways to zooplankton and benthos under pack ice in late winter and open water in late summer in the north-central Bering Sea
MEPS 291:135-150 | Full text in pdf format
Dick JTA, Johnson MP, McCambridge S, Johnson JJ, Carson VEE, Kelly DW, MacNeil C
Predatory nature of littoral amphipod Echinogammarus marinus: gut contents analysis and effects of alternative food and substrate heterogeneity
MEPS 291:151-158 | Full text in pdf format
Abed-Navandi D, Dworschak PC
Food sources of tropical thalassinidean shrimps: a stable-isotope study
MEPS 291:159-168 | Full text in pdf format
Harris B, Sulkin S
Significance of feeding to the development of postlarval megalopae in the free-living crab Lophopanopeus bellus and commensal crab Fabia subquadrata
MEPS 291:169-175 | Full text in pdf format
Koch V, Wolff M, Diele K
Comparative population dynamics of four fiddler crabs (Ocypodidae, genus Uca) from a North Brazilian mangrove ecosystem
MEPS 291:177-188 | Full text in pdf format
Brown KM, Keenan SF, Banks PD
Dominance hierarchies in xanthid crabs: roles in resource holding potential and field distributions
MEPS 291:189-196 | Full text in pdf format
Baker R, Sheaves M
Redefining the piscivore assemblage of shallow estuarine nursery habitats
MEPS 291:197-213 | Full text in pdf format
Long A, Wang WX
Metallothionein induction and bioaccumulation kinetics of Cd and Ag in the marine fish Terapon jarbua challenged with dietary or waterborne Ag and Cu
MEPS 291:215-226 | Full text in pdf format
Ciannelli L, Bailey KM
Landscape dynamics and resulting species interactions: the cod-capelin system in the southeastern Bering Sea
MEPS 291:227-236 | Full text in pdf format
Humston R, Ault JS, Larkin MF, Luo J
Movements and site fidelity of the bonefish Albula vulpes in northern Florida Keys determined by acoustic telemetry
MEPS 291:237-248 | Full text in pdf format
Eby LA, Crowder LB, McClellan CM, Peterson CH, Powers MJ
Habitat degradation from intermittent hypoxia: impacts on demersal fishes
MEPS 291:249-262 | Full text in pdf format
Riffaut L, McCoy KD, Tirard C, Friesen VL, Boulinier T
Population genetics of the common guillemot, Uria aalge, in the North Atlantic: geographic impact of oil spills
MEPS 291:263-273 | Full text in pdf format
Vlietstra LS
Spatial associations between seabirds and prey: effects of large-scale prey abundance on small-scale seabird distribution
MEPS 291:275-287 | Full text in pdf format
Awkerman JA, Fukuda A, Higuchi H, Anderson DJ
Foraging activity and submesoscale habitat use of waved albatrosses Phoebastria irrorata during chick-brooding period
MEPS 291:289-300 | Full text in pdf format
Kraus RT, Secor DH
Application of the nursery-role hypothesis to an estuarine fish
MEPS 291:301-305 | Full text in pdf format
Tanaka H, Naito Y, Davis ND, Urawa S, Ueda H, Fukuwaka M
First record of the at-sea swimming speed of a Pacific salmon during its oceanic migration
MEPS 291:307-312 | Full text in pdf format