Coyne MS, Godley BJSatellite Tracking and Analysis Tool (STAT): an integrated system for archiving, analyzing and mapping animal tracking data MEPS 301:1-7 | More Information... | Full text in pdf format |
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Naviaux RK, Good B, McPherson JD, Steffen DL, Markusic D, Ransom B, Corbeil J
Sand DNA—a genetic library of life at the water's edge
MEPS 301:9-22 | Full text in pdf format
Gazeau F, Borges AV, Barrón C, Duarte CM, Iversen N, Middelburg JJ, Delille B, Pizay MD, Frankignoulle M, Gattuso JP
Net ecosystem metabolism in a micro-tidal estuary (Randers Fjord, Denmark): evaluation of methods
MEPS 301:23-41 | Full text in pdf format
Wieters EA
Upwelling control of positive interactions over mesoscales: a new link between bottom-up and top-down processes on rocky shores
MEPS 301:43-54 | Full text in pdf format
Arndt CE, Pavlova O
Origin and fate of ice fauna in the Fram Strait and Svalbard area
MEPS 301:55-66 | Full text in pdf format
Garcés E, Vila M, Masó M, Sampedro N, Giacobbe MG, Penna A
Taxon-specific analysis of growth and mortality rates of harmful dinoflagellates during bloom conditions
MEPS 301:67-79 | Full text in pdf format
Mengelt C, Prézelin BB
UVA enhancement of carbon fixation and resilience to UV inhibition in the genus Pseudo-nitzschia may provide a competitive advantage in high UV surface waters
MEPS 301:81-93 | Full text in pdf format
Tomas F, Turon X, Romero J
Seasonal and small-scale spatial variability of herbivory pressure on the temperate seagrass Posidonia oceanica
MEPS 301:95-107 | Full text in pdf format
Nakamura T, van Woesik R, Yamasaki H
Photoinhibition of photosynthesis is reduced by water flow in the reef-building coral Acropora digitifera
MEPS 301:109-118 | Full text in pdf format
Williams DE, Miller MW
Coral disease outbreak: pattern, prevalence and transmission in Acropora cervicornis
MEPS 301:119-128 | Full text in pdf format
Sherwood OA, Scott DB, Risk MJ, Guilderson TP
Radiocarbon evidence for annual growth rings in the deep-sea octocoral Primnoa resedaeformis
MEPS 301:129-134 | Full text in pdf format
Sherwood OA, Heikoop JM, Scott DB, Risk MJ, Guilderson TP, McKinney RA
Stable isotopic composition of deep-sea gorgonian corals Primnoa spp.: a new archive of surface processes
MEPS 301:135-148 | Full text in pdf format
Lombard F, Sciandra A, Gorsky G
Influence of body mass, food concentration, temperature and filtering activity on the oxygen uptake of the appendicularian Oikopleura dioica
MEPS 301:149-158 | Full text in pdf format
Dubois S, Barillé L, Cognie B, Beninger PG
Particle capture and processing mechanisms in Sabellaria alveolata (Polychaeta: Sabellariidae)
MEPS 301:159-171 | Full text in pdf format
McQuaid CD, Lindsay JR
Interacting effects of wave exposure, tidal height and substratum on spatial variation in densities of mussel Perna perna plantigrades
MEPS 301:173-184 | Full text in pdf format
Grove M, Breitburg DL
Growth and reproduction of gelatinous zooplankton exposed to low dissolved oxygen
MEPS 301:185-198 | Full text in pdf format
McManus MA, Cheriton OM, Drake PT, Holliday DV, Storlazzi CD, Donaghay PL, Greenlaw CF
Effects of physical processes on structure and transport of thin zooplankton layers in the coastal ocean
MEPS 301:199-215 | Full text in pdf format
Miller CB, Crain JA, Marcus NH
Seasonal variation of male-type antennular setation in female Calanus finmarchicus
MEPS 301:217-229 | Full text in pdf format
Patil JS, Anil AC
Influence of diatom exopolymers and biofilms on metamorphosis in the barnacle Balanus amphitrite
MEPS 301:231-245 | Full text in pdf format
Lecchini D
Spatial and behavioural patterns of reef habitat settlement by fish larvae
MEPS 301:247-252 | Full text in pdf format
Carls MG, Heintz RA, Marty GD, Rice SD
Cytochrome P4501A induction in oil-exposed pink salmon Oncorhynchus gorbuscha embryos predicts reduced survival potential
MEPS 301:253-265 | Full text in pdf format
Case RAJ, Hutchinson WF, Hauser L, Van Oosterhout C, Carvalho GR
Macro- and micro-geographic variation in pantophysin (PanI) allele frequencies in NE Atlantic cod Gadus morhua
MEPS 301:267-278 | Full text in pdf format
Milton DA, Chenery SR
Movement patterns of barramundi Lates calcarifer, inferred from 87Sr/86Sr and Sr/Ca ratios in otoliths, indicate non-participation in spawning
MEPS 301:279-291 | Full text in pdf format
Congdon BC, Krockenberger AK, Smithers BV
Dual-foraging and co-ordinated provisioning in a tropical Procellariiform, the wedge-tailed shearwater
MEPS 301:293-301 | Full text in pdf format
Ramos AG, Martel A, Codd GA, Soler E, Coca J, Redondo A, Morrison LF, Metcalf JS, Ojeda A, Suárez S, Petit M
Bloom of the marine diazotrophic cyanobacterium Trichodesmium erythraeum in the Northwest African Upwelling
MEPS 301:303-305 | Full text in pdf format
Stentiford GD, Feist SW
First reported cases of intersex (ovotestis) in the flatfish species dab Limanda limanda: Dogger Bank, North Sea
MEPS 301:307-310 | Full text in pdf format