Inter-Research > MEPS > v328 > Feature  
Marine Ecology Progress Series

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MEPS - Vol. 328 - Feature article
A southern calamary spawning in the seagrass near acoustic receivers placed on the spawning beds of Great Oyster Bay during fishing closure. Photo: Troy Jantzen

Pecl GT, Tracey SR, Semmens JM, Jackson GD


Use of acoustic telemetry for spatial management of southern calamary Sepioteuthis australis, a highly mobile inshore squid species


Pecl and co-workers evaluated the degree of protection provided by 2 closed areas off Tasmania, Australia, to individual spawning Sepioteuthis australis. They also assessed the extent of exchange between both coastal regions, which are about 30 km apart. VR2 acoustic receivers recorded >77 000 detection events from 46 individuals over periods of up to 129 days, showing that individual S. australis spawn over several months and travel 100’s of km within the spawning areas during this time. This study demonstrates that any assessment of the management benefits of closed areas needs to explicitly consider the temporal and spatial scales of the area in question.


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