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Marine Ecology Progress Series

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MEPS - Vol. 338 - Table of contents

MEPS - Vol. 338 - Table of contents

Mar Ecol Prog Ser (Print ISSN: 0171-8630; Online ISSN: 1616-1599)
Copyright © 2007 Inter-Research. Published May 24

All abstracts and full article pdfs in this issue are available to all users, compliments of Inter-Research.

Wolcott BD
Mechanical size limitation and life-history strategy of an intertidal seaweed
MEPS 338:1-10 | More Information... | Full text in pdf format


Bertocci I, Vaselli S, Maggi E, Benedetti-Cecchi L
Changes in temporal variance of rocky shore organism abundances in response to manipulation of mean intensity and temporal variability of aerial exposure
MEPS 338:11-20 | Full text in pdf format

Hjorth M, Vester J, Henriksen P, Forbes V, Dahllöf I
Functional and structural responses of marine plankton food web to pyrene contamination
MEPS 338:21-31 | Full text in pdf format

Shipe RF, Carpenter EJ, Govil SR, Capone DG
Limitation of phytoplankton production by Si and N in the western Atlantic Ocean
MEPS 338:33-45 | Full text in pdf format

Masotti I, Ruiz-Pino D, Le Bouteiller A
Photosynthetic characteristics of Trichodesmium in the southwest Pacific Ocean: importance and significance
MEPS 338:47-59 | Full text in pdf format

Smith M, Hansen PJ
Interaction between Mesodinium rubrum and its prey: importance of prey concentration, irradiance and pH
MEPS 338:61-70 | Full text in pdf format

Serra IA, Procaccini G, Intrieri MC, Migliaccio M, Mazzuca S, Innocenti AM
Comparison of ISSR and SSR markers for analysis of genetic diversity in the seagrass Posidonia oceanica
MEPS 338:71-79 | Full text in pdf format

Abdelrhman MA
Modeling coupling between eelgrass Zostera marina and water flow
MEPS 338:81-96 | Full text in pdf format

Lavery PS, Reid T, Hyndes GA, Van Elven BR
Effect of leaf movement on epiphytic algal biomass of seagrass leaves
MEPS 338:97-106 | Full text in pdf format

Middelboe AL, Hansen PJ
High pH in shallow-water macroalgal habitats
MEPS 338:107-117 | Full text in pdf format

Vázquez E, Ameneiro J, Putzeys S, Gordo C, Sangrà P
Distribution of meroplankton communities in the Bransfield Strait, Antarctica
MEPS 338:119-129 | Full text in pdf format

Richard M, Archambault P, Thouzeau G, Desrosiers G
Summer influence of 1 and 2 yr old mussel cultures on benthic fluxes in Grande-Entrée lagoon, Îles-de-la-Madeleine (Québec, Canada)
MEPS 338:131-143 | Full text in pdf format

Tarling GA, Shreeve RS, Ward P
Life-cycle and population dynamics of Rhincalanus gigas (Copepoda: Calanoida) in the Scotia Sea
MEPS 338:145-158 | Full text in pdf format

Giménez L, Dick S
Settlement of shore crab Carcinus maenas on a mesotidal open habitat as a function of transport mechanisms
MEPS 338:159-168 | Full text in pdf format

Methratta ET, Link JS
Ontogenetic variation in habitat association for four groundfish species in the Gulf of Maine - Georges Bank region
MEPS 338:169-181 | Full text in pdf format

Laurel BJ, Stoner AW, Hurst TP
Density-dependent habitat selection in marine flatfish: the dynamic role of ontogeny and temperature
MEPS 338:183-192 | Full text in pdf format

Han YS, Tzeng WN
Sex-dependent habitat use by the Japanese eel Anguilla japonica in Taiwan
MEPS 338:193-198 | Full text in pdf format

Laroche RK, Kock AA, Dill LM, Oosthuizen WH
Effects of provisioning ecotourism activity on the behaviour of white sharks Carcharodon carcharias
MEPS 338:199-209 | Full text in pdf format

Weng KC, O’Sullivan JB, Lowe CG, Winkler CE, Dewar H, Block BA
Movements, behavior and habitat preferences of juvenile white sharks Carcharodon carcharias in the eastern Pacific
MEPS 338:211-224 | Full text in pdf format

Georges JY, Fossette S, Billes A, Ferraroli S, Fretey J, Grémillet D, Le Maho Y, Myers AE, Tanaka H, Hays GC
Meta-analysis of movements in Atlantic leatherback turtles during the nesting season: conservation implications
MEPS 338:225-232 | Full text in pdf format

Fossette S, Ferraroli S, Tanaka H, Ropert-Coudert Y, Arai N, Sato K, Naito Y, Le Maho Y, Georges JY
Dispersal and dive patterns in gravid leatherback turtles during the nesting season in French Guiana
MEPS 338:233-247 | Full text in pdf format

Báez JC, Real R, García-Soto C, de la Serna JM, Macías D, Camiñas JA
Loggerhead turtle by-catch depends on distance to the coast, independent of fishing effort: implications for conservation and fisheries management
MEPS 338:249-256 | Full text in pdf format

Littnan CL, Arnould JPY, Harcourt RG
Effect of proximity to the shelf edge on the diet of female Australian fur seals
MEPS 338:257-267 | Full text in pdf format

Beck CA, Rea LD, Iverson SJ, Kennish JM, Pitcher KW, Fadely BS
Blubber fatty acid profiles reveal regional, seasonal, age-class and sex differences in the diet of young Steller sea lions in Alaska
MEPS 338:269-280 | Full text in pdf format

Viaud-Martínez KA, Martínez Vergara M, Gol’din PE, Ridoux V, Öztürk AA, Öztürk B, Rosel PE, Frantzis A, Komnenou A, Bohonak AJ
Morphological and genetic differentiation of the Black Sea harbour porpoise Phocoena phocoena
MEPS 338:281-294 | Full text in pdf format

Hamer KC, Humphreys EM, Garthe S, Hennicke J, Peters G, Grémillet D, Phillips RA, Harris MP, Wanless S
Annual variation in diets, feeding locations and foraging behaviour of gannets in the North Sea: flexibility, consistency and constraint
MEPS 338:295-305 | Full text in pdf format


Mann DA, Casper BM, Boyle KS, Tricas TC
On the attraction of larval fishes to reef sounds
MEPS 338:307-310 | Full text in pdf format