Inter-Research > MEPS > v346 > Feature  
Marine Ecology Progress Series

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MEPS - Vol. 346 - Feature article
Dynamic assignment of ecological provinces in the NW Atlantic Ocean, using ocean colour radiometry (April 24 to May 15, 2003). Image: E. Devred (based on NASA satellite data)

Devred E, Sathyendranath S, Platt T


Delineation of ecological provinces using ocean colour radiometry


A biogeographic study of the NW Atlantic Ocean by Devred and co-workers used remotely sensed data on ocean-colour radiometry (proxy of chlorophyll biomass) and on sea surface temperature (SST) to examine seasonal variation in the size and location of ecological provinces (originally defined by Alan Longhurst and co-workers on the basis of oceanographic and biological features). A statistical analysis was performed on composite images of SST and chlorophyll biomass, as well as ancillary data. The results will find applications in the estimation of oceanic primary production, analysis of ecological and biogeochemical fluxes, and fisheries management.


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