Burrows MT, Harvey R, Robb LWave exposure indices from digital coastlines and the prediction of rocky shore community structure MEPS 353:1-12 | More Information... | Full text in pdf format |
Juul-Pedersen T, Michel C, Gosselin M, Seuthe L
Seasonal changes in the sinking export of particulate material under first-year sea ice on the Mackenzie Shelf (western Canadian Arctic)
MEPS 353:13-25 | Full text in pdf format
Piedracoba S, Nieto-Cid M, Souto C, Gilcoto M, Rosón G, Álvarez-Salgado XA, Varela R, Figueiras FG
Physical-biological coupling in the coastal upwelling system of the Ría de Vigo (NW Spain). I: In situ approach
MEPS 353:27-40 | Full text in pdf format
Piedracoba S, Nieto-Cid M, Teixeira IG, Garrido JL, Álvarez-Salgado XA, Rosón G, Castro CG, Pérez FF
Physical-biological coupling in the coastal upwelling system of the Ría de Vigo (NW Spain). II: In vitro approach
MEPS 353:41-53 | Full text in pdf format
Al-Habsi SH, Sweeting CJ, Polunin NVC, Graham NAJ
?15N and ?13C elucidation of size-structured food webs in a Western Arabian Sea demersal trawl assemblage
MEPS 353:55-63 | Full text in pdf format
Collier CJ, Lavery PS, Ralph PJ, Masini RJ
Physiological characteristics of the seagrass Posidonia sinuosa along a depth-related gradient of light availability
MEPS 353:65-79 | Full text in pdf format
Fujiki T, Hosaka T, Kimoto H, Ishimaru T, Saino T
In situ observation of phytoplankton productivity by an underwater profiling buoy system: use of fast repetition rate fluorometry
MEPS 353:81-88 | Full text in pdf format
Pizarro G, Escalera L, González-Gil S, Franco JM, Reguera B
Growth, behaviour and cell toxin quota of Dinophysis acuta during a daily cycle
MEPS 353:89-105 | Full text in pdf format
Doi H, Chang KH, Obayashi Y, Yoshihara M, Shime M, Yamamoto T, Nishibe Y, Nakano S
Attached microalgae contribute to planktonic food webs in bays with fish and pearl oyster farms
MEPS 353:107-113 | Full text in pdf format
Lloyd DC, Zacherl DC, Walker S, Paradis G, Sheehy M, Warner RR
Egg source, temperature and culture seawater affect elemental signatures in Kelletia kelletii larval statoliths
MEPS 353:115-130 | Full text in pdf format
Gagern A, Schürg T, Michiels NK, Schulte G, Sprenger D, Anthes N
Behavioural response to interference competition in a sessile suspension feeder
MEPS 353:131-135 | Full text in pdf format
Gao QF, Xu WZ, Liu XS, Cheung SG, Shin PKS
Seasonal changes in C, N and P budgets of green-lipped mussels Perna viridis and removal of nutrients from fish farming in Hong Kong
MEPS 353:137-146 | Full text in pdf format
Gutiérrez NL, Martínez A, Defeo O
Identifying environmental constraints at the edge of a species’ range: scallop Psychrochlamys patagonica in the SW Atlantic Ocean
MEPS 353:147-156 | Full text in pdf format
Köster M, Krause C, Paffenhöfer GA
Time-series measurements of oxygen consumption of copepod nauplii
MEPS 353:157-164 | Full text in pdf format
Plourde S, Joly P
Comparison of in situ egg production rate in Calanus finmarchicus and Metridia longa: discriminating between methodological and species-specific effects
MEPS 353:165-175 | Full text in pdf format
Madsen SJ, Nielsen TG, Tervo OM, Söderkvist J
Importance of feeding for egg production in Calanus finmarchicus and C. glacialis during the Arctic spring
MEPS 353:177-190 | Full text in pdf format
Sheehy MRJ, Prior AE
Progress on an old question for stock assessment of the edible crab Cancer pagurus
MEPS 353:191-202 | Full text in pdf format
Eckes MJ, Siebeck UE, Dove S, Grutter AS
Ultraviolet sunscreens in reef fish mucus
MEPS 353:203-211 | Full text in pdf format
Unsworth RKF, Salinas De León P, Garrard SL, Jompa J, Smith DJ, Bell JJ
High connectivity of Indo-Pacific seagrass fish assemblages with mangrove and coral reef habitats
MEPS 353:213-224 | Full text in pdf format
Mountain D, Green J, Sibunka J, Johnson D
Growth and mortality of Atlantic cod Gadus morhua and haddock Melanogrammus aeglefinus eggs and larvae on Georges Bank, 1995 to 1999
MEPS 353:225-242 | Full text in pdf format
Morote E, Olivar MP, Pankhurst PM, Villate F, Uriarte I
Trophic ecology of bullet tuna Auxis rochei larvae and ontogeny of feeding-related organs
MEPS 353:243-254 | Full text in pdf format
Hallier JP, Gaertner D
Drifting fish aggregation devices could act as an ecological trap for tropical tuna species
MEPS 353:255-264 | Full text in pdf format
Lindsay MJ, Patterson HM, Swearer SE
Habitat as a surrogate measure of reef fish diversity in the zoning of the Lord Howe Island Marine Park, Australia
MEPS 353:265-273 | Full text in pdf format
de Stephanis R, Cornulier T, Verborgh P, Salazar Sierra J, Pérez Gimeno N, Guinet C
Summer spatial distribution of cetaceans in the Strait of Gibraltar in relation to the oceanographic context
MEPS 353:275-288 | Full text in pdf format
Lambardi P, Lutjeharms JRE, Mencacci R, Hays GC, Luschi P
Influence of ocean currents on long-distance movement of leatherback sea turtles in the Southwest Indian Ocean
MEPS 353:289-301 | Full text in pdf format
Sheehy MRJ
Questioning the use of biochemical extraction to measure lipofuscin for age determination of crabs: Comment on Ju et al. (1999, 2001)
MEPS 353:303-306 | Full text in pdf format
Harvey HR, Secor DH, Ju SJ
The use of extractable lipofuscin for age determination of crustaceans: Reply to Sheehy (2008)
MEPS 353:307-311 | Full text in pdf format