Carreiro-Silva M, McClanahan TR, Kiene WEEffects of inorganic nutrients and organic matter on microbial euendolithic community composition and microbioerosion rates MEPS 392:1-15 | More Information... | Full text in pdf format |
Bissett A, Cook PLM, Macleod C, Bowman JP, Burke C
Effects of organic perturbation on marine sediment betaproteobacterial ammonia oxidizers and on benthic nitrogen biogeochemistry
MEPS 392:17-32 | Full text in pdf format
Przeslawski R, Zhu Q, Aller R
Effects of abiotic stressors on infaunal burrowing and associated sediment characteristics
MEPS 392:33-42 | Full text in pdf format
Vopel K, Pilditch CA, Wilson P, Ellwood MJ
Oxidation of surface sediment: effects of disturbance depth and seawater flow speed
MEPS 392:43-55 | Full text in pdf format
Coles R, McKenzie L, Death G, Roelofs A, Lee Long W
Spatial distribution of deepwater seagrass in the inter-reef lagoon of the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area
MEPS 392:57-68 | Full text in pdf format
Ferrón S, Alonso-Pérez F, Ortega T, Forja JM
Benthic respiration on the northeastern shelf of the Gulf of Cádiz (SW Iberian Peninsula)
MEPS 392:69-80 | Full text in pdf format
Meyer E, Davies S, Wang S, Willis BL, Abrego D, Juenger TE, Matz MV
Genetic variation in responses to a settlement cue and elevated temperature in the reef-building coral Acropora millepora
MEPS 392:81-92 | Full text in pdf format
Császár NBM, Seneca FO, van Oppen MJH
Variation in antioxidant gene expression in the scleractinian coral Acropora millepora under laboratory thermal stress
MEPS 392:93-102 | Full text in pdf format
Reynaud S, Martinez P, Houlbrèque F, Billy I, Allemand D, Ferrier-Pagès C
Effect of light and feeding on the nitrogen isotopic composition of a zooxanthellate coral: role of nitrogen recycling
MEPS 392:103-110 | Full text in pdf format
Bishop MJ, Morgan T, Coleman MA, Kelaher BP, Hardstaff LK, Evenden RW
Facilitation of molluscan assemblages in mangroves by the fucalean alga Hormosira banksii
MEPS 392:111-122 | Full text in pdf format
Soetaert K, Franco M, Lampadariou N, Muthumbi A, Steyaert M, Vandepitte L, vanden Berghe E, Vanaverbeke J
Factors affecting nematode biomass, length and width from the shelf to the deep sea
MEPS 392:123-132 | Full text in pdf format
Fanini L, Defeo O, Do Santos C, Scapini F
Testing the Habitat Safety Hypothesis with behavioural field experiments: amphipod orientation on sandy beaches with contrasting morphodynamics
MEPS 392:133-141 | Full text in pdf format
Smallegange IM, van Noordwijk CGE, van der Meer J, van der Veer HW
Spatial distribution of shore crabs Carcinus maenas in an intertidal environment in relation to their morphology, prey availability and competition
MEPS 392:143-155 | Full text in pdf format
Wendel CM, Smee DL
Ambient Malathion concentrations modify behavior and increase mortality in blue crabs
MEPS 392:157-165 | Full text in pdf format
Hunter E, Cotton RJ, Metcalfe JD, Reynolds JD
Large-scale variation in seasonal swimming patterns of plaice in the North Sea
MEPS 392:167-178 | Full text in pdf format
Hedger RD, Hatin D, Dodson JJ, Martin F, Fournier D, Caron F, Whoriskey FG
Migration and swimming depth of Atlantic salmon kelts Salmo salar in coastal zone and marine habitats
MEPS 392:179-192 | Full text in pdf format
Borme D, Tirelli V, Brandt SB, Fonda Umani S, Arneri E
Diet of Engraulis encrasicolus in the northern Adriatic Sea (Mediterranean): ontogenetic changes and feeding selectivity
MEPS 392:193-209 | Full text in pdf format
Cheek AO, Landry CA, Steele SL, Manning S
Diel hypoxia in marsh creeks impairs the reproductive capacity of estuarine fish populations
MEPS 392:211-221 | Full text in pdf format
Wilson MT
Ecology of small neritic fishes in the western Gulf of Alaska. I. Geographic distribution in relation to prey density and the physical environment
MEPS 392:223-237 | Full text in pdf format
Wilson MT, Jump CM, Buchheister A
Ecology of small neritic fishes in the western Gulf of Alaska. II. Consumption of krill in relation to krill standing stock and the physical environment
MEPS 392:239-251 | Full text in pdf format
Molloy PP, Reynolds JD, Gage MJG, Côté IM
Effects of an artisanal fishery on non-spawning grouper populations
MEPS 392:253-262 | Full text in pdf format
Silva MA, Magalhães S, Prieto R, Santos RS, Hammond PS
Estimating survival and abundance in a bottlenose dolphin population taking into account transience and temporary emigration
MEPS 392:263-276 | Full text in pdf format
Herman DP, Ylitalo GM, Robbins J, Straley JM, Gabriele CM, Clapham PJ, Boyer RH, Tilbury KL, Pearce RW, Krahn MM
Age determination of humpback whales Megaptera novaeangliae through blubber fatty acid compositions of biopsy samples
MEPS 392:277-293 | Full text in pdf format
Newton KM, Croll DA, Nevins HM, Benson SR, Harvey JT, Tershy BR
At-sea mortality of seabirds based on beachcast and offshore surveys
MEPS 392:295-305 | Full text in pdf format