Heisterkamp IM, Schramm A, de Beer D, Stief PNitrous oxide production associated with coastal marine invertebrates MEPS 415:1-9 | More Information... | Full text in pdf format ![]() |
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Studer A, Thieltges DW, Poulin R
Parasites and global warming: net effects of temperature on an intertidal host-parasite system
MEPS 415:11-22 | Full text in pdf format
Lucey SM, Nye JA
Shifting species assemblages in the Northeast US Continental Shelf Large Marine Ecosystem
MEPS 415:23-33 | Full text in pdf format
Pillay D, Branch GM, Griffiths CL, Williams C, Prinsloo A
Ecosystem change in a South African marine reserve (1960-2009): role of seagrass loss and anthropogenic disturbance
MEPS 415:35-48 | Full text in pdf format
Chan KYK, Grünbaum D
Temperature and diet modified swimming behaviors of larval sand dollar
MEPS 415:49-59 | Full text in pdf format
Bruno A, Bruno L, Chiappetta A, Giannino D, Bitonti MB
PoCHL P expression pattern in Posidonia oceanica is related to critical light conditions
MEPS 415:61-71 | Full text in pdf format
Sugiyama N, Iseto T, Hirose M, Hirose E
Reproduction and population dynamics of the solitary entoproct Loxosomella plakorticola inhabiting a demosponge, Plakortis sp.
MEPS 415:73-82 | Full text in pdf format
Gooley TA, Marshall DJ, Monro K
Responses to conspecific density in an arborescent bryozoan
MEPS 415:83-90 | Full text in pdf format
Hunsicker ME, Essington TE, Aydin KY, Ishida B
Predatory role of the commander squid Berryteuthis magister in the eastern Bering Sea: insights from stable isotopes and food habits
MEPS 415:91-108 | Full text in pdf format
Obermüller BE, Morley SA, Barnes DKA, Peck LS
Seasonal physiology and ecology of Antarctic marine benthic predators and scavengers
MEPS 415:109-126 | Full text in pdf format
Shiell GR, Knott B
Aggregations and temporal changes in the activity and bioturbation contribution of the sea cucumber Holothuria whitmaei (Echinodermata: Holothuroidea)
MEPS 415:127-139 | Full text in pdf format
Grangeré K, Lefebvre S, Bacher C, Cugier P, Ménesguen A
Modelling the spatial heterogeneity of ecological processes in an intertidal estuarine bay: dynamic interactions between bivalves and phytoplankton
MEPS 415:141-158 | Full text in pdf format
Drif K, Hirst AG, Hay S
Seasonal abundance and egg production rates of Oithona similis and Pseudocalanus elongatus in the northern North Sea: a first comparison of egg-ratio and incubation methods
MEPS 415:159-175 | Full text in pdf format
Qin H, Chu T, Xu W, Lei G, Chen Z, Quan W, Chen J, Wu J
Effects of invasive cordgrass on crab distributions and diets in a Chinese salt marsh
MEPS 415:177-187 | Full text in pdf format
Dupont JM, Hallock P, Jaap WC
Ecological impacts of the 2005 red tide on artificial reef epibenthic macroinvertebrate and fish communities in the eastern Gulf of Mexico
MEPS 415:189-200 | Full text in pdf format
Johnson AE
Reducing bycatch in coral reef trap fisheries: escape gaps as a step towards sustainability
MEPS 415:201-209 | Full text in pdf format
Hammerschlag-Peyer CM, Layman CA
Intrapopulation variation in habitat use by two abundant coastal fish species
MEPS 415:211-220 | Full text in pdf format
Arnott SA, Roumillat WA, Archambault JA, Wenner CA, Gerhard JI, Darden TL, Denson MR
Spatial synchrony and temporal dynamics of juvenile red drum Sciaenops ocellatus populations in South Carolina, USA
MEPS 415:221-236 | Full text in pdf format
Goatley CHR, Bellwood DR
Biologically mediated sediment fluxes on coral reefs: sediment removal and off-reef transportation by the surgeonfish Ctenochaetus striatus
MEPS 415:237-245 | Full text in pdf format
Young MA, Iampietro PJ, Kvitek RG, Garza CD
Multivariate bathymetry-derived generalized linear model accurately predicts rockfish distribution on Cordell Bank, California, USA
MEPS 415:247-261 | Full text in pdf format
Neubauer P, Shima JS, Swearer SE
Scale-dependent variability in Forsterygion lapillum hatchling otolith chemistry: implications and solutions for studies of population connectivity
MEPS 415:263-274 | Full text in pdf format
Ryer CH, Laurel BJ, Stoner AW
Testing the shallow water refuge hypothesis in flatfish nurseries
MEPS 415:275-282 | Full text in pdf format
Karnovsky N, Harding A, Walkusz W, Kwaśniewski S, Goszczko I, Wiktor J Jr, Routti H, Bailey A, McFadden L, Brown Z, Beaugrand G, Grémillet D
Foraging distributions of little auks Alle alle across the Greenland Sea: implications of present and future Arctic climate change
MEPS 415:283-293 | Full text in pdf format
Regular PM, Davoren GK, Hedd A, Montevecchi WA
Crepuscular foraging by a pursuit-diving seabird: tactics of common murres in response to the diel vertical migration of capelin
MEPS 415:295-304 | Full text in pdf format