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Marine Ecology Progress Series

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MEPS - Vol. 460 - Table of contents

MEPS - Vol. 460 - Table of contents

Mar Ecol Prog Ser (Print ISSN: 0171-8630; Online ISSN: 1616-1599)
Copyright © 2012 Inter-Research. Published July 24

Abstracts are available to all users. Full article .pdfs are available to subscribers only.
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Layout 1
Barott KL, Williams GJ, Vermeij MJA, Harris J, Smith JE, Rohwer FL, Sandin SA
Natural history of coral−algae competition across a gradient of human activity in the Line Islands
MEPS 460:1-12 | More Information... | Full text in pdf format

Mahaffey C, Björkman KM, Karl DM
Phytoplankton response to deep seawater nutrient addition in the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre
MEPS 460:13-34 | Full text in pdf format

Hamylton S, Spencer T, Hagan AB
Spatial modelling of benthic cover using remote sensing data in the Aldabra lagoon, western Indian Ocean
MEPS 460:35-47 | Full text in pdf format

Dinasquet J, Titelman J, Møller LF, Setälä O, Granhag L, Andersen T, Båmstedt U, Haraldsson M, Hosia A, Katajisto T, Kragh T, Kuparinen J, Schrøter ML, Søndergaard M, Tiselius P, Riemann L
Cascading effects of the ctenophore Mnemiopsis leidyi on the planktonic food web in a nutrient-limited estuarine system
MEPS 460:49-61 | Full text in pdf format

Azovsky AI, Garlitska LA, Chertoprud ES
Broad-scale patterns in local diversity of marine benthic harpacticoid copepods (Crustacea)
MEPS 460:63-77 | Full text in pdf format

Blanchet-Aurigny A, Dubois SF, Hily C, Rochette S, Le Goaster E, Guillou M
Multi-decadal changes in two co-occurring ophiuroid populations
MEPS 460:79-90 | Full text in pdf format

Marco-Méndez C, Prado P, Heck KL, Cebrián J, Sánchez-Lizaso JL
Epiphytes mediate the trophic role of sea urchins in Thalassia testudinum seagrass beds
MEPS 460:91-100 | Full text in pdf format

Stoner AW, Davis MH, Booker CJ
Abundance and population structure of queen conch inside and outside a marine protected area: repeat surveys show significant declines
MEPS 460:101-114 | Full text in pdf format

Chin A, Tobin A, Simpfendorfer C, Heupel M
Reef sharks and inshore habitats: patterns of occurrence and implications for vulnerability
MEPS 460:115-125 | Full text in pdf format

Holliday D, Beckley LE, Millar N, Olivar MP, Slawinski D, Feng M, Thompson PA
Larval fish assemblages and particle back-tracking define latitudinal and cross-shelf variability in an eastern Indian Ocean boundary current
MEPS 460:127-144 | Full text in pdf format

Fire SE, Pruden J, Couture D, Wang Z, Dechraoui Bottein MY, Haynes BL, Knott T, Bouchard D, Lichtenwalner A, Wippelhauser G
Saxitoxin exposure in an endangered fish: association of a shortnose sturgeon mortality event with a harmful algal bloom
MEPS 460:145-153 | Full text in pdf format

Johnson SP, Schindler DE
Four decades of foraging history: stock-specific variation in the carbon and nitrogen stable isotope signatures of Alaskan sockeye salmon
MEPS 460:155-167 | Full text in pdf format

Costalago D, Navarro J, Álvarez-Calleja I, Palomera I
Ontogenetic and seasonal changes in the feeding habits and trophic levels of two small pelagic fish species
MEPS 460:169-181 | Full text in pdf format

Ryer CH, Boersma KS, Hurst TP
Growth and distributional correlates of behavior in three co-occurring juvenile flatfishes
MEPS 460:183-193 | Full text in pdf format

Johansson ML, Clifford K, Fodness B, Vazquez NA, Banks MA
Mate selection in captive-breeding rockfishes Sebastes spp.: inference from parentage analysis and the major histocompatibility complex (MHC)
MEPS 460:195-206 | Full text in pdf format

Alós J, Cabanellas-Reboredo M, Lowerre-Barbieri S
Diel behaviour and habitat utilisation by the pearly razorfish during the spawning season
MEPS 460:207-220 | Full text in pdf format

Næsje TF, Cowley PD, Diserud OH, Childs AR, Kerwath SE, Thorstad EB
Riding the tide: estuarine movements of a sciaenid fish, Argyrosomus japonicus
MEPS 460:221-232 | Full text in pdf format

Knutsen H, Jorde PE, Bergstad OA, Skogen M
Population genetic structure in a deepwater fish Coryphaenoides rupestris: patterns and processes
MEPS 460:233-246 | Full text in pdf format

Schrimpf MB, Parrish JK, Pearson SF
Trade-offs in prey quality and quantity revealed through the behavioral compensation of breeding seabirds
MEPS 460:247-259 | Full text in pdf format

Noren SR, Udevitz MS, Jay CV
Bioenergetics model for estimating food requirements of female Pacific walruses Odobenus rosmarus divergens
MEPS 460:261-275 | Full text in pdf format

McConnaughey TA
Zooxanthellae that open calcium channels: implications for reef corals
MEPS 460:277-287 | Full text in pdf format

Volumes 451 to 460 (2012)
Full text in pdf format