Brown AL, Carpenter RC Water-flow mediated oxygen dynamics within massive Porites-algal turf interactions MEPS 490:1-10 | More Information... | Full text in pdf format ![]() |
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Nakajima R, Tsuchiya K, Nakatomi N, Yoshida T, Tada Y, Konno F, Toda T, Kuwahara VS, Hamasaki K, Othman BHR, Segaran TC, Effendy AWM
Enrichment of microbial abundance in the sea-surface microlayer over a coral reef: implications for biogeochemical cycles in reef ecosystems
MEPS 490:11-22 | Full text in pdf format
Tuya F, Viera-Rodríguez MA, Guedes R, Espino F, Haroun R, Terrados J
Seagrass responses to nutrient enrichment depend on clonal integration, but not flow-on effects on associated biota
MEPS 490:23-35 | Full text in pdf format
Baker R, Fry B, Rozas LP, Minello TJ
Hydrodynamic regulation of salt marsh contributions to aquatic food webs
MEPS 490:37-52 | Full text in pdf format
Sturdivant SK, Seitz RD, Diaz RJ
Effects of seasonal hypoxia on macrobenthic production and function in the Rappahannock River, Virginia, USA
MEPS 490:53-68 | Full text in pdf format
Cruz-Rivera E, Friedlander M
Effects of algal phenotype on mesograzer feeding
MEPS 490:69-78 | Full text in pdf format
Amsler MO, Amsler CD, von Salm JL, Aumack CF, McClintock JB, Young RM, Baker BJ
Tolerance and sequestration of macroalgal chemical defenses by an Antarctic amphipod: a ‘cheater’ among mutualists
MEPS 490:79-90 | Full text in pdf format
Herbon CM, Nordhaus I
Experimental determination of stable carbon and nitrogen isotope fractionation between mangrove leaves and crabs
MEPS 490:91-105 | Full text in pdf format
Kenitz K, Williams RG, Sharples J, Selsil Ö, Biktashev VN
The paradox of the plankton: species competition and nutrient feedback sustain phytoplankton diversity
MEPS 490:107-119 | Full text in pdf format
Papaspyrou S, Diz P, García-Robledo E, Corzo A, Jimenez-Arias JL
Benthic foraminiferal community changes and their relationship to environmental dynamics in intertidal muddy sediments (Bay of Cádiz, SW Spain)
MEPS 490:121-135 | Full text in pdf format
Petersen JK, Maar M, Ysebaert T, Herman PMJ
Near-bed gradients in particles and nutrients above a mussel bed in the Limfjorden: influence of physical mixing and mussel filtration
MEPS 490:137-146 | Full text in pdf format
Thieltges DW, Marcogliese DJ, Blanar CA, Poulin R
Trematode prevalence–occupancy relationships on regional and continental spatial scales in marine gastropod hosts
MEPS 490:147-154 | Full text in pdf format
McAlister JS, Moran AL
Effects of variation in egg energy and exogenous food on larval development in congeneric sea urchins
MEPS 490:155-167 | Full text in pdf format
Escobar-Flores P, O’Driscoll RL, Montgomery JC
Acoustic characterization of pelagic fish distribution across the South Pacific Ocean
MEPS 490:169-183 | Full text in pdf format
Rasmuson LK, Morgan SG
Fish predation after weakly synchronized larval release in a coastal upwelling system
MEPS 490:185-198 | Full text in pdf format
Fanelli E, Papiol V, Cartes JE, Rumolo P, López-Pérez C
Trophic webs of deep-sea megafauna on mainland and insular slopes of the NW Mediterranean: a comparison by stable isotope analysis
MEPS 490:199-221 | Full text in pdf format
Lindegren M, Eero M
Threshold-dependent climate effects and high mortality limit recruitment and recovery of the Kattegat cod
MEPS 490:223-232 | Full text in pdf format
López-Castro MC, Bjorndal KA, Kamenov GD, Zenil-Ferguson R, Bolten AB
Sea turtle population structure and connections between oceanic and neritic foraging areas in the Atlantic revealed through trace elements
MEPS 490:233-246 | Full text in pdf format
Weeks SJ, Steinberg C, Congdon BC
Oceanography and seabird foraging: within-season impacts of increasing sea-surface temperature on the Great Barrier Reef
MEPS 490:247-254 | Full text in pdf format
Jaeger A, Jaquemet S, Phillips RA, Wanless RM, Richard P, Cherel Y
Stable isotopes document inter- and intra-specific variation in feeding ecology of nine large southern Procellariiformes
MEPS 490:255-266 | Full text in pdf format
Baumgartner MF, Lysiak NSJ, Esch HC, Zerbini AN, Berchok CL, Clapham PJ
Associations between North Pacific right whales and their zooplanktonic prey in the southeastern Bering Sea
MEPS 490:267-284 | Full text in pdf format
Semmens BX, Ward EJ, Parnell AC, Phillips DL, Bearhop S, Inger R, Jackson A, Moore JW
Statistical basis and outputs of stable isotope mixing models: Comment on Fry (2013)
MEPS 490:285-289 | Full text in pdf format
Fry B
Minmax solutions for underdetermined isotope mixing problems: Reply to Semmens et al. (2013)
MEPS 490:291-294 | Full text in pdf format
(Volumes 481 to 490, 2013)
MEPS 490:295-308 | Full text in pdf format