Monczak A, Berry A, Kehrer C, Montie EW Long-term acoustic monitoring of fish calling provides baseline estimates of reproductive timelines in the May River estuary, southeastern USA MEPS 581:1-19 | More Information... | Full text in pdf format ![]()
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Jones E, Long J
The relative strength of an herbivore-induced seaweed defense varies with herbivore species
MEPS 581:33-44 | Full text in pdf format
Schram JB, Schoenrock KM, McClintock JB, Amsler CD, Angus RA
Ocean warming and acidification alter Antarctic macroalgal biochemical composition but not amphipod grazer feeding preferences
MEPS 581:45-56 | Full text in pdf format
Hanke MH, Posey MH, Alphin TD
The effects of intertidal oyster reef habitat characteristics on faunal utilization
MEPS 581:57-70 | Full text in pdf format
Jones DOB, Murray JW
Controls on the standing crop of benthic foraminifera at an oceanic scale
MEPS 581:71-83 | Full text in pdf format
Kayfetz K, Kimmerer W
Abiotic and biotic controls on the copepod Pseudodiaptomus forbesi in the upper San Francisco Estuary
MEPS 581:85-101 | Full text in pdf format
Wu Y, Hannah CG, Petrie B, Wang X, Devred E
Enhanced sea surface temperature due to kelp canopies
MEPS 581:103-117 | Full text in pdf format
Bishop N, Martin DL, Ross C
Effects of multi-stress exposure on the infection dynamics of a Labyrinthula sp.−turtle grass pathosystem
MEPS 581:119-133 | Full text in pdf format
Davis JP, Pitt KA, Olds AD, Harborne AR, Connolly RM
Seagrass corridors and tidal state modify how fish use habitats on intertidal coral reef flats
MEPS 581:135-147 | Full text in pdf format
Lamb JS, Satgé YG, Jodice PGR
Diet composition and provisioning rates of nestlings determine reproductive success in a subtropical seabird
MEPS 581:149-164 | Full text in pdf format
Baumgartner MF, Wenzel FW, Lysiak NSJ, Patrician MR
North Atlantic right whale foraging ecology and its role in human-caused mortality
MEPS 581:165-181 | Full text in pdf format
Riccialdelli L, Paso Viola MN, Panarello HO, Goodall RNP
Evaluating the isotopic niche of beaked whales from the southwestern South Atlantic and Southern Oceans
MEPS 581:183-198 | Full text in pdf format
Ramasco V, Lindström U, Nilssen KT
Selection and foraging response of harbour seals in an area of changing prey resources
MEPS 581:199-214 | Full text in pdf format
O’Toole M, Guinet C, Lea MA, Hindell MA
Marine predators and phytoplankton: how elephant seals use the recurrent Kerguelen plume
MEPS 581:215-227 | Full text in pdf format
Helyer & Samhouri, Vol. 575:1-15 (2017)
MEPS 581:229 | Full text in pdf format